BatRep: Imperial/Scum

By hogweed8, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

Brief battle report from the other night.

Team Scum:

Iggy and the Trandos

IG-88 (12)

Trandoshian Hunter x3 (21)

Temporary Alliance (1)

Mak (3)

Gideon (3)

Team Evil:

The Schwarz is with Weiss

General Weiss (16)


Elite Imperial Officer x2 (10)

Map: Moisture Farm, Mission: Raiding Party

The early game belonged to Team Scum. Splitting into two groups, one picked off the Raiders in the center of the board for easy VPs, and the other locked down the north terminal. Team Evil slowly moved south, leaving the AT-ST to deal with the approaching squad of Trandos from the west.

Mid-game was pretty even. Team Evil managed to pick off Mak and one squad of Trandos, while Team Scum dropped one AT-ST after several rounds of shooting. (Moment of the night: "Two wounds left on the AT-ST? *roll* Huh. Only two wounds. Not much chance of you rolling two blanks, looks like I'm losing that squad next turn. *roll* oh look...two blanks. Go Scum!.") Team Evil, however, made what was ultimately the smartest move of the game and moved Weiss down to the Raider spawn point.

End-game was all Team Evil. Trandoshian squad managed to snipe an Officer at long range, but Weiss had the Raider spawn-point locked down. Final score: 37-27 (we called it for time, but Team Evil had the next initiative, so they would have dropped the next Raider spawn for the final 4VPs.)

Stray observations:

Do not get bogged down in the middle section of the Moisture Farm map. Too many fire lanes in, and it takes too much time to move through.

I'm on the fence over Relentless. I burned through Team Evil's entire command deck by round 3 or 4, but honestly I'm not sure it had a huge impact on this game. I think the model count I was up against was so small that my opponent wasn't willing to eat the wounds.

Gideon and Iggy should be BFFs. I made the mistake of splitting them. IG-88 needs Gideon's focus to be most effective. The extra green makes it much easier to bowl for the surges IG-88 needs to be worth his points.

Controlling the spawn point in Raiding Party is critical. Over half of the Empires VPs came from killing raiders. My plan was to more or less ignore the Raiders and try and box in the Empire, using the Trando's close-range abilities to drop the Walkers. Instead, my opponent more or less ignored me and just went after the easy kills. By the time I put his plan together, I was too committed to my plan to change tactics in time.

I'm still not sure what Mak's role is. He doesn't put out a lot of damage, even with Critical Hit. I've been running him as chaff, which is OK, but I'd like better performance. If I wasn't convinced IG-88 needed Gideon, I'd drop both for Nexu.

Edited by danno

Seriously, I *STILL* can't believe I rolled the 1 in 36 chance of two evades on both black dice.

The Force was strong with you.