What Have You Done With F&D Thus Far?

By MuttonchopMac, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

I personally haven't got a chance to play a F&D game or GM one (Dark Heresy 2e and Legend of the Five Rings are great though - can't complain), and I get ideas, nothing in particular has jumped out at me.

So what have you as a GM or player done with the system? What is your game about? Who are the characters? What sort of obstacles have they faced and what moments of awesome have come up?

I'm currently running a Knight level game. The players except for one were all younglings during Anikan's attack on the temple. There were a total of 7 younglings, 3 of which are players. With the help of a mysterious master and Quinlan Vos they escaped the temple and the attack. They went into hiding with these two masters and continued their training and gained 200 XP to add to their Jedi skills and talents. Several years in hiding and intense training one of the 7 turned to the darkside and contacted the empire and cause an attack from Vadar's inquisitors and an imperial assault team. At this point the younglings were now Padawans nearing their trials. In the attack one of the 6 died and the mysterious master sacrificed himself to allow the remaining 5 non darkside and Quinlan Vos to escape once again.

Quinlan then instructed the remaining five to seperate and go into hiding and not reveal their nature's until the time they were called upon. He instructed that they each learn other skills during this time and at all costs to not use their lightsabers or Force powers. Nin years go buy and each of the 5 per my starting rules had to buy a non Force and Destiny specialization from any career in EoE or AoR. They were than granted 100xp to spend to purchase this specialization and skills and talents from it. They could not use these bonus XP for anything force related.

Now after a major disturbance in the force and the death of 2000 innocents each of the five have decided to come out of hiding even though Quinlan Vos has not contacted them. The 3 PCs & 1npc that were these padawans have now found each other and banded together to begin fighting the empire. They have also gained an ex imperial commander PC who recently discovered he has the ability to use the force and killed an inquisitor by sheer lucK after falling in love with a jedi and seeing her killed.

They just signed on as crew members of a smuggler who lost her last crew in a job gone bad that were all killed by the empire. She is smuggling weapons and other assets to non imperial groups. The pcs feel they might convince her of joining the resistance that will one day become the Rebel alliance.

My games are considered high level with the bonus starting XP and also bonus starting characteristics. However I do cap characteristics at 5 and force rating at 4 so even though I give more to them I cap things so no dice get out of control. I prefer players to be able to have more they can do. They also all started with lightsabers with choice in what uodified crystal they start with.

My Game is set around a small group of force users under a hidden Mon Cal Jedi artificer.

It has only just started with them finishing the beta pre writ but is soon moving on to greater things

Episode 2 will have them on Alderann just before its destruction. Episode 3 will involve a lost Jedi battleship and further episodes include obligation to Leia Organa and the death of the mentor and introduction of my inquisitor.

Wow, never thought I'd see someone else admit to playing L5R on this board.

I play in a beta game where most of us are Force sensitives trained in secret during the Dark Times. Our mentor was captured by a pair of Inquisitors (who also trashed our sweet ship) and we've spent the last several sessions building up our reputation in the underworld. We got our lightsabers a little while ago and found out where our mentor might be held. We're currently in the middle of our assault on the prison and things have already gone... sideways.

In the game I'm running right now, I haven't done anything with FaD just yet, though I've shown it off to the player who is Force sensitive (Explorer) and the player who might be Force sensitive later (Colonist), as an example of where they might go with their characters. The Explorer has stated that she'll probably start pursuing the Force more when her personal arc rotates to the fore, while the Colonist is still undecided on whether or not she'll take the plunge.

In my actual main game the main characters is a really strong Jedi Master with 2.460 XP with mechanical, social and piloting skills. Makashi user and a "Combat Inspirator" and "Telekinetic". I'm always the GM, I love that :D

With F&D Beta rules, our game experience has improved A LOT. He's actually in charge of some type of pseudo Mass Effect Crew/Ship/Group. With the "Shepard Team" on his side.

We created more than 60 really important NPC's in our games, and another 50, not-so important. He confronted high level nemesis like Pirate Captains, Bouny Hunters, Inquisitors, Imperial Aces and other ones.

Until the moment the satisfaction grade with EotE/AoR/F&D is almost 100%. Only a few minor changes that we made. We use to play between 3 and 12 hours a week. We use to touch every aspect from the game. From social to combat.

In our actual point he is fighting the Black Sun, evading the Galactic Empire (above a few months after Yavin), discovering secrets from the Celestials, trying to save Rishi from the Hutt Cartel and many other cool things :D

Mostly, I've been using it to play various "fledgling Jedi" types of PCs (which was my old go-to for a character type back during WEG days).

I'd been running a FaD series of adventures, but that campaign is currently on hold while I try to figure out where I want the story to go next; a bit difficult seeing as how the initial adventures had very little inter-connectivity beyond having the same characters.

Haven't run it yet, but in the alternate setting that I am building I will be running an NPC dark side Force user (not a fallen Jedi or a Sith) influenced very heavily by Richard from the webcomic Looking For Group. The opening session where he is introduced I will begin with the following phrase: "Let the madness roll (*play recording of Hamill Joker laughter*)"

One member of my group is a FaD Mystic Seer, and we now have two AoR characters as well, but with the way these goofballs play, it's still totally an EotE game :) I've been kind of curious myself how a pure FaD game would run, and what the flavor would be.

One member of my group is a FaD Mystic Seer, and we now have two AoR characters as well, but with the way these goofballs play, it's still totally an EotE game :) I've been kind of curious myself how a pure FaD game would run, and what the flavor would be.

My group also reverts back to Edge of the Empire's obligation and smuggling by default. Anything legal is right out.

I've considered running a game set in an alternate Clone Wars (because I love how old d6 supplements described them more than the movie version), where Jedi are much more rare, and I'd play off a large internal debate within the Jedi order: are we just guardians against the return of the Sith or are we supposed to fight for the Republic as well? It would be interesting to see if the players would follow Obi-Wan and Anakin (sort of early Revan and Malak figures) on some, and I quote, "**** fool idealistic crusade"... When the perfect assassin (Maul) starts offing Jedi in remote places, do they reconsider their role as watchman, or do they just assume it was a Jedi who fell to the Dark Side in the war?

I have a Shii-cho (sp?) Knight in my AoR game, he just got introduced in our last (mini) session, but I have to say based on experience even with the breach effect, the lightsaber in this game averages out in power with an off the rack heavy blaster rifle.

Playing a campian using EoE, and FaD in tandem, we started out as a group of smugglers who ran a job (unknowingly) for a gray Jedi and ended up meeting an emperors hand (we all crapped our pants when we found that out) my character and another pc that is no longer being used felt the force after being so close to two powerful force wielders, my background is that i had show talent in using the force when i was young but this was AFTER order 66 and my parents told me to never use it, ended up using on a very subconscious level to enhance abilities, so when my character met a Jedi and saw what he could do he called on very old memories of doing similar things and is kinda self teaching himself mostly move but just got sense.

Over the course of our adventures i got a basic lightsaber hilt from an ancient sith temple, a synthetic crystal from the previously mentioned emperors hand (it was a bribe) a datapad full of sith fighting techniques from the sith temple, have had encounters with 2 gray jedi, 1 fallen jedi, 1 emperors hand, and STILL don't have anything close to resembling a mentor.

Force and Destiny is great for the Star Wars "default play": One young teenager who is the last hope of the Galaxy to liberate it from the Sith, he goes through all campbell´s heroes journey stuff and becomes the great hero.

The others can be EoE or AoR characters, who the character meets and guard him on his journey. I´m discussing my personal campaign in detail in another threat, so here are only my few tweeks:

The young hero takes a career from EoE or AoR that fits, but he gets a Force Rating of 1, so he can buy the first level of 1 or 2 powers before he is a Jedi. When he finds his mentor, he can pick a Jedi career. For the group, "Duty" or "Obligation" can be used, but when the young one is on his path, he gets "morality". Through this, there´s the opportunity for the ending where he liberates the Galaxy or the Revenge of the Sith tragedy when he falls to the dark side and becomes the new tyrant himself.

For this kind of campaign, especially when no other Jedi is been seen in the whole galaxy, F&D is really great.

Haven't done anything with a FaD yet but there is a Smuggler/Force Emergent in my group that will develop his Force abilities and Talents as we progress, eventually choosing a FaD specialization and such.

My campaign is based around 7 padawans that survive the attack on the Jedi temple from Vadar and his troops. They escape with Quinlan Vos and a mysterious Jedi Master and continue their training until one of the padawans turns to the darkside and let's their position be known to the empire. The mysterious master sacrifices himself to get the jedi padawans nearing their trials escape with Quinlon. In their escape the dark padawan kills one of the other padawans completing his path to darkness. The remaining 5 escaped amd were instructed to split up and hide until given direction to awaken once again.

Quinlon never calls on them and to fight his own temptations to the darkside marrys and retires from the fight never to be heard from again.

The 5 padawans each went their seperate ways and picked up a specialization or two from EoE or AoR to help them survive without revealing their true nature. Several years go buy until a disturbance in the force of 1000s of Falleen dying wakes their Force abilities and each in their own way feels it is the calling or Awakening they were all waiting for.

Now the 4 pcs of the 5 padawans find themselves knowing they are stronger together. Along the way they befriend an ex special forces imperial leautenant to an Inquisitor who he just luckily killed as his latent force powers emerged.

There is still one padawan missing and then there is still the dark padawan out there who has believed to become an Inquisitor who only answers to the emperor.

The PCs join a smuggling female pirate to get use of her ship and hopefully turn her loyalties to the resistance that will become the alliance. Especially since they destroyed her last ship, crew members, and her brother.

The pcs all started at knight level but with restrictions that th ey needed to spend a certain amount of pts on force and destiny career and specializations and a certain amount on either EoE or AoR. Working out well because the adventures are split of them having to hide their abilities and them parts where they can unleash. Also began all force users with a Force rating of 2 but limited they can't get above a 3 until they reach master level. All non force to balance this out get a free dedication of their choice or a regular monthly income of 2500 credits.

We are playing the continuation to the introductory adventure on EotE. Our group contains a Hired Gun, a Smuggler and a Commander as non-Force users, and then an Ataru Striker whose player plans on buying all the Seeker trees and an Artisan who is bound to end up being a Soresu Defender/Protector. We all use Obligation, plus the Jedi use also Morality (in a quite relaxed way).

The only thing the rules have been used for in my groups sofar is to let one player who allways plays jedis to play a jedi in our Edge group where I am a player. When I run AoR next time I wont let players my players start with any of the careers from the book but I will allow them to buy specialities from it eventaully.