Buying new cards

By Roachmill, in Cosmic Encounter

Can you by new game cards??

We have played a lot of cosmic and my cards is taking alot of damage.

I guessing that I would soon need a new set of gaming cards and maybe even flares.

Destiny and techs arent that badly handled but if we keep up this gaming frequence then i guessing that the destinydeck will get bad too.

Sleeves! Sleeves!

I know that there are two camps when it comes to sleeves, those who use them and those who don't (the purist).

For me, sleeves are a must. I have spent over $100 on sleeves for all of my game over the past 6 months. However, I know my cards will last as long as I want to play the games. In additon, sleeves actually make shuffling the cards easier.

So, while I sympathize with your damaged cards, if you can get another set of cards, put them in sleeves!

ok, im not sure what sleeves is (im swedish)

but where do i get them?

By sleeves, we mean card protectors, which are pieces of plastic that you can slide playing cards into so that they don't get wet, dirty, or worn-out around the edges while you play with them. They are used often by people who play collectible/.tradeable card games (like Magic The Gathering).

For Cosmic Encounter's cards, you might want to find a game store (either one in your town, or one online) that sells Japanese-size card protectors, or protectors for "YuGiOh" cards. I've found those to be the best fit - though I've not seen European-size cards.

Cosmic Encounter cards are Bridge-sized playing cards: 2.25" x 3.5"

Big Head Zach said:

Cosmic Encounter cards are Bridge-sized playing cards: 2.25" x 3.5"

You and your powers of 10, BAH!

thanks alot I will look into it

powers of 10 :)