bed/table elevation vs melee atack

By Jafix, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi guys,

iam little bit confused at the moment. For a first time me and my friends play a map with beds and tables ( dungeon 5 - The Baracks). If you are elevated, you have + 1 range and + 1 dmg. When someone atacking you from bellow, he will get - 1 range and -1 dmg.

1. if i am next to the table and want to atack figure on the table with melee atack, does the -1 range bonus apply as me as well? IMO it would represents elevation and a fact that figure on the table is out of normal reach and you need to get on the table too or use range atack

2. If there are two different tables, on one table is hero figure and on the next one monster figure. Between them are some other figures. Does this figures block line of sight for figures which are elevated?

3. If hero figure atack with REACH, does -1 range penalty applies?

1. Range is always ignored for Melee attacks, so the -1 malus does not apply.

2. Figures between two tables still block LoS.

3. Similar for Reach: Range (and its modifiers) are ignored.


Parathion said:

1. Range is always ignored for Melee attacks, so the -1 malus does not apply.

2. Figures between two tables still block LoS.

3. Similar for Reach: Range (and its modifiers) are ignored.



+∞ (Duh!)