My 2 Cents: The game's learning curve is NOT insurmountable....

By Joker, in Android least for experienced gamers.

I went to our local monthly boardgame club/meet on Friday. Many of the players do the complicated fact, one table over we had a game of Red November going on, too!

Two of the regulars wanted to try out Android. They chose Rachael and Louis as their detectives, and I chose Raymond.

It took a little bit of effort, but they got the gist of it. After passing 'round one of the rule summaries, one of the new players actually corected me n a rule re. placement of leads!

Overall, the Louis player said "the game is harder to learn than play," and did very respectably. He felt Ray was unbalanced as a character, but... the Rachael player was the one who ended up winning! :)

A good night, for sure! Although the other guys were looking a little tired by the end; we went from about 8 to 11:30, but it was time well spent, and it went quickly, and no complaints :)


3 1/2 hours - not bad for a 3 player game. You make it through both weeks?

...Yep, both of 'em (though folks were playing to finish as much as win at the end).

A good game! I'm looking forward to playing again this coming week with a group I've been introduced to as a result of these forums...looking forward to that one, too. :)


I've taught this game a few times. Three player games usually run about 3.5 hours and the 4 player games run between 4 and 4.5 hours.