TV Shows on a 40K World

By Egyptoid, in Fan Fiction

Little House on the Death World

  • struggles of a family w/3 daughters homesteading in Imperial Space.

Real Housewives of Necromunda

  • spouses of nobles, bureaucrats and guard officers vie for popularity.

You're on Candid Auspex

  • pranksters catch antics of those who don't know they're being taped.

Badlands Skelter's Downhive Monster Show

  • House Cawdor & gangs deals with some newcomers.

Alvin and the Chimeras

  • 4 beastmen form a rock band and tour in a used IG vehicle

C.S.I: Ultramar

  • field police investigate crimes amongst the imperium's finest.

C anopus Hi ghway P aladin s

  • two lovable jet-bike cops patrol the roads of this imperial hive.

The Young and the Raveners

Soap opera of a wealthy family that tries to gain political and financial control an imperial colony called Lake Geneva (no relation) but often comes to odds with another "family" of off-world and reputedly tyrannic heritage.

Third Boulder from the Fire-Sphere

  • Comedy about four Tau trying to blend into an imperial metropolis.

anyone got any more ?

Edited by Egyptoid


Grand Cruiser Galactica

  • The story of a lost Grand Cruiser being chased by Ironmen at the height of the Dark Age of Technology as they search for Holy Terra
Edited by Godgolden

I DREAM of BANSHEE– A handsome but unwise Chartist Captain stays planet-side now, due to his crashlanding on a desert world, and then freeing a pretty female eldar warrior from bondage, and she now lives with him, and calls him Master all the time. They try to blend in (despite her psychic powers ) with society at a regular Imperial Guard Base, and hijinks ensue.

GHOST-BREAKERS – Three adeptus invent beam weapons that can knock out insubstantial warp creatures, along with trapping them, and they (along with a hired hand and an opinionated secretary) make quite a name for themselves cleaning out haunted starships.

FUTURAMICUS – An old adeptus runs a space-based delivery service, and his bumbling crew: The cyclopean mutant girl, the anachronistic commoner, the expert bureaucrat,the cyborg rascal, and the armored xeno medic. Each week a new cargo and a new destination promises new opportunities for trouble.

True Thud - Drama about ogryns and half-ogryns suddenly deciding to integrate into proper imperial society.

What's My Mine? - Squat game show where contestants have to guess (in a 20 questions format) what sort of mineral extraction or smelting the guest does for a living.

Artifacts Roadshow - Travelling experts meet locals in the main lobby of Port Wander to tell them if their family heirlooms are potent archaeotech or just glow-in-the-dark junk

Edited by Egyptoid

Yeah, right. Except civilian vox-networks usually broadcast something like Deutsche Wochenschau, not reality shows.


kid friendly tales told from the POV of the machine spirits in various chummy military vehicles.

Witness: Talia Typhoon, Chubby Chimera, Randy Rhino, Kenworth the Crusader, Tinky Taurox, Handy Hellhound & many others participate in wee adventures that lead viewers to correct conclusions about teamwork, obedience, and sacrifice.

~~~ Each week the techs repair Kenworth, and each week the Orks blow him up a different way,

~~~ and. each week the troops yell "You killed Kenny, you Ork bastards"

A parish of sisters and seraphims and their servants try to maintain the old ways as the economy of Ophelia 7 fails, and a new-found book of doctrine disrupts the natural order of things.


- weekly regional match-ups of scheduled mayhem on the grassy pitch.

- a heavily maimed but valiant void-master is pieced back together with mechanicus implants after a run-in with Old One-Eye; and with his also heavily augmented girlfriend, they fight crime !

- a family troupe of entertainers, led by their widowed mother, tour the Koronus Sector singing popular songs; as they travel in a long multi-colored dropship, on which their heraldry is a cutesy avian.

- a rustic and uncultured hive family find a wealth producing STC artifact, and move from their low-level apartment to a mansion-plex in the upper spire, to mix in with regular imperial society, and hijinks ensue

- the trials and tribulations of a squadron of Marauder pilots who recently lost their commander, but they're still trying to run their squadron themselves, trying to manage the old general's units & assets, while various wives and courtesans try to help or interfere, a musical.

- a regular working adept acquires a xeno made armor-suit that gives him extra strange and reptilian powers, but he can't find the data-slate with the Slann command words needed to run the **** thing, so a lot of humorous trial and error.

- retro humor as present day viewers get a glimpse of the life and struggles of a family living in the dark age of technology



Edited by Egyptoid


guardsmen from various locales around Calixis have been captured by Orks

and they cope with their jailers in humorous ways.

Time for the new Fall Season premieres:


three Battle Sisters work for a shadowy inquisitor, they often don't wear power armor.


a senior Magos Genetikos retires from a front-line field medicae to manage a hive world hospital


bumbling misfits at an IG broadcast installation are supposed to keep imperial encouragement and

propaganda running 24/7, but due to the inept clerks that work for them, and the distractions

from the buxom blonde adept who works the vox in front office, hijinks ensue.


Retired inquisitor Regina walks the viewer through cases from the Ordo Hereticus files,

and you won't believe who does and doesn't get executed for heresy.


misadventures of a teen-age abhuman girl (beastman) trying to fit in at

a schola progenium full of normal human girls.


a planetary governor, rich with the many thrones taxed from the resources of his world,

gets his mansion in turmoil and his beautiful wife in arms when his scheming ex-wife shows up.


an aeronautica pilot takes his VTOL craft on undercover missions, supported by his loyal crew.


four retired canoness try to settle down and enjoy living in convent for mature sororitas

Edited by Egyptoid

Sister Stealers

A family patriarch trying to live a simple life, with his seven "wives", supporting his Cult, in a world that looks on his exotic views as "heretical". Please tune in, for if ratings fall to far, "the family" will get the axe. ;) [sorry, it was more humorous in my own head, I promise.]

i can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet


A hive city Arbitrator delivers Imperial justice to lawbreakers of all stripes.

how about some friday night movies ?


Briton Tzeench Memoirs

a man remembers his childhood and family fondly as he writes down his life story.

but comes to suspect that the Lord of Change may have interfered in his youth,

even as he grew up on old terra.


DoomRider Of The Lost Ark

An imperial governor is in so much trouble he makes a deal with

a Slaaneshi biker to bring back a potent artifact for him,

but the **** thing ends up stored in an Administratum warehouse.



A legendary Imperial assassin teams up with the lone female survivor of a destroyed Eldar research center to stop the hijacking

of a bio weapon by a fellow agent formerly believed to be dead, but whom the Lord of Decay has reanimated.


The Khorne Identity

The Khorne Supremacy

The Khorne Ultimatum

Three parter about an inquisitorial assassin, who remembers little, fears he may have been used as a daemonhost

by a corrupt inquisitor. and since he a is a combat monster, he thinks the spirits of the

blood god may have left their traits (love of killing) in his mind.

Dusk People
Follow a group of Dusk Natives as the go about their way of life, unchanged in thousands of years.

The Awakening
6 people awaken in tubes, with no memories of who they are but it appears they are both on the run from every Imperial Agencies but at the same time stuff left around the tubes makes it appears they “work/worked” for Inquisition. They must complete their final mission, in hopes to find out who they really are using clues they find left behind or uncover. Over the show the team skills and talents slowly come through for them.

On the Orbital Habitat Eureka, where an advanced technological research facility staffed by the finest Magos in the sector have many accidental or intentional misuse of technology. Most are handled by the otherwise mundane Arbite - Xanthis Draught, who was seconded to the station to run head security.

Galaxy Rift
A comedy series about a misfit starship, The Destiny, and crew of it and well their wacky adventures.

E Squad
Stories from Volg Enforcers as they keep the order in the Hive.

Mechanicus Science Theatre 40K

A coven of Tech-Priests heckle some of the above shows, and others, in a thin, nasally, monotone (Ben Stein doing a show?). "This show is so bad it's heretical, and the corruption is making the disc player hereteckal!" ;)

The Mod Squad

A trio of young nobles get extremely advanced implants and modifications that are just shy of heretical. When this is discovered their families influence manages to convince the Adeptus Mechanicus to accept them as acolytes and send them undercover to investigate potential tech heresy in circles of wealthy augmenticists.


see here

Acolytes of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The missions and adventures of Inquisitorial Acolytes as they protect the Calixis Sector from the machinations of the heretical Hydra xenos-cult.

Who wants to be a Rogue Trader?

Imperial nobles, wealthy cartels and other people with great influence within the Imperium compete to show the most demonstrable acts of faith, the most blessed ignorance and provide the biggest possible acts of service for the Imperium. All while being filmed 24/7 by a veritable murder of pict servo skulls.

The prize up for grabs. An ancient Warrant of Trade that entitles the bearer to become a Rogue Trader.

Attack Run ( Canonical from Ciaphas Cain )

Attack Run was a serial holodrama produced in the Imperium during the 920's.M41, focusing on a fictional squadron of Lightning fighter pilots during the Gothic War

Inquisitor Who

The last member of the Ordo Chronus travels throughout time and space within the Imperium to prevent heresies and worlds from falling into the grip of Chaos, all in his custom Aquila that is bigger on the inside.

One-Prayer Saint

An ordinary human devotes himself to extreme prayer training to the Emperor, and after 300 days achieves a level of faith that allows him to banish daemons and witches with just one prayer.

The I Files

Two Adeptus Terra Adepts are reassigned to the lost files where they uncover bizarre cases that the Inquisition has missed in order to save their Hive city from a conspiracy involving invading Eldar.


There is a warp dimension, beyond that which is known to the common man. It is a space-lane as vast as the galaxy and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and heresy, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area traversed by the HMS Skull-Jammer .... See that's the beacon up ahead—their next stop, the Skull-Jamming Zone .

Popular and well-written anthology series where weekly shows cover different parts of a Rogue-Trader's crew, and the different pitfalls, both real and imagined, that plague them. They had tales set in the warp, on EVA spacewalks, in the crew cabins, on the bridge, on strange planets, and even one episode where a passenger was convinced that a warp entity was perched just outside his port-hole.
CyberMastiff One-Oh-One
Hijinks ensue when a clerical error reassigns one hundred and one black-n-white cyber-dogs to a sleepy precinct of the arbites, and that station only has two handlers, a young pair of officers (one male, one female) who of course have to work together constantly to ensure that chaos (either literally and/or figuratively) does not come to their neighborhoods, and they try to keep all those dogs maintained, in order, and on the job. Some of the lovable robo-mutts are convinced they are bomb-sniffers, some think they should only look for drugs, some are not happy unless they tear a limb off someone each day, and some just want to sniff every crotch in the precinct.