Little House on the Death World
- struggles of a family w/3 daughters homesteading in Imperial Space.
Real Housewives of Necromunda
- spouses of nobles, bureaucrats and guard officers vie for popularity.
You're on Candid Auspex
- pranksters catch antics of those who don't know they're being taped.
Badlands Skelter's Downhive Monster Show
- House Cawdor & gangs deals with some newcomers.
Alvin and the Chimeras
- 4 beastmen form a rock band and tour in a used IG vehicle
C.S.I: Ultramar
- field police investigate crimes amongst the imperium's finest.
C anopus Hi ghway P aladin s
- two lovable jet-bike cops patrol the roads of this imperial hive.
The Young and the Raveners
Soap opera of a wealthy family that tries to gain political and financial control an imperial colony called Lake Geneva (no relation) but often comes to odds with another "family" of off-world and reputedly tyrannic heritage.
Third Boulder from the Fire-Sphere
- Comedy about four Tau trying to blend into an imperial metropolis.
anyone got any more ?
Edited by Egyptoid