Has anyone attempted to create custom campaigns for IA?
Has anyone attempted to create custom campaigns for IA?
First step would be to create custom missions that are somewhat balanced, and that's already pretty hard.
I'm working on some missions, and I played them out by myself (using average dice results, don't judge me) and it's always strongly tilted towards one side (80% win ratio). Especially when you try to give the Imp. player two or three choices when something happens (deploy this here or gain threat).
Also the game is still pretty new. I know a lot of our little forum jawas are working feverishly to produce their campaigns...and I would force lightning them to work faster than lazy old me, but firefox doesn't have that feature yet
I was wanting to run a IA and X-Wing style game...where the IA crew would work to knock down a shield generator while the X-Wing crew would be flying around in space before being able to bomb a target inside the shield.
Any thoughts on this? How I could set it up or pull it off?
I was wanting to run a IA and X-Wing style game...where the IA crew would work to knock down a shield generator while the X-Wing crew would be flying around in space before being able to bomb a target inside the shield.
Any thoughts on this? How I could set it up or pull it off?
I've thought of doing this too, but honestly, the setup would be extensive (prohibitive even). I'm not sure if the effort would pay off. And even if it did, the game would probably take 4 hours. Most of my X-Wing games are an hour long or more, and my Imperial Assault missions are 1-2 hours (though admittedly, I just got the game and we've only completed 5 missions).
What might be better would be running an Imperial Assault skirmish (or series of skirmishes) on the table, instead of a campaign. I haven't played a skirmish yet, but considering you don't play with Heroes, it seems like it'd be easier to have going simultaneously. Plus, it would annoy me a bit, as an Imperial preferrer, to let the Rebs have two sets of heroes, and me only get heroes in the skies.
I've had a few ideas. Would be cool if someone made a program that lets you make custom IA cards or maps.
I always had the idea of running a X-wing and IA at the same time, someone is the rebel forces above and a team is the ground forces below. when an event happens in one game, in real time it effects the other. for example disrupting a shield generator on the ground, that effects a capital ship in the x-wing game.
or reaching a terminal in the ground game to call in reinforcements to the x-wing game.
Maps of Mastery and the Armored Cartographer have some great maps that can be used for custom missions.
Isn't there a tool fur custom maps by FFG like the mission tool for X-Wing?
Isn't there a tool fur custom maps by FFG like the mission tool for X-Wing?
Not yet, but we're all hoping.
What I would like to see is more mini-campaigns. Things that can be done in a day. Even if they were like PDF downloads that FFG sold that would be fine with me.
I was wanting to run a IA and X-Wing style game...where the IA crew would work to knock down a shield generator while the X-Wing crew would be flying around in space before being able to bomb a target inside the shield.
Any thoughts on this? How I could set it up or pull it off?
I've really wanted to run a campaign based off of the old "Star Wars Battlefront 2" Galactic Conquest game mode. The idea was to have a map of planets that give bonuses when controlled and players maneuver their fleets to conquer enemy controlled planets in skirmish games of IA. If two fleets meet up at any point the players would play a game of Armada giving the winner a bonus in a following game of X-wing and, if the fleets happen to meet over any given planet, giving the winner a bonus in the following game of IA. I just need about 100 hours in the day and someone else as crazy as myself about games to actually ever bring this to the table.
Hey guys,
Have a look at this:
Second custom campaign here:
A guy made a campaign using the side missions from various non-small/big box expansions (like Obi-Wan, Smuggler, Bantha Rider, etc)
A new fan made campaign in the Clone Wars era here:
Republic vs Separatists !
Edited by Heidrin
Sounds very interesting, @Heidrin, but the link doesn't work for me...?
Sure the link works. Maybe it doesn't work as you would expect right now (with BGG under maintenance), but it works anyway.
The link to the new fan made campaign set in the Clone Wars is fixed:
Hey all,
My players and I have now finished all official campaigns and are looking for some fan-made ones to tackle. My google-fu is poor, but I’m aware of the following creations:
For a Few Credits More
(link above)
Once Upon a Time in the Western Rim (link above)
The Geonosian Trap (link above)
ISD Devastator (was this ever finished? The version I have stops mid-sentence… Faulty pdf?)
Edge of Oblivion (link above)
Beyond the Rim (did this project die?)
Have I missed any? Thanks 🙂
I stored this link: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/2402387/lost-without-trace-custom-campaign-using-existing
You seem to have listed the others I have at https://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/218205/a1berts-imperial-assault-play-forum-campaigns
Yeah, I'd missted the Lost Without Trace one
If anyone should have any more fan campaigns (or even single missions) laying around, then please do share
On 4/22/2015 at 9:58 AM, patrickmahan said:I've had a few ideas. Would be cool if someone made a program that lets you make custom IA cards or maps.
Maps: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2293325/ia-map-creator-v13