Distinguished boatswain in dominance

By aureliopainmtaster, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

Player A controls Distinguished Boatswain and Captured Cog.

Player B controls 5 cards in shadows.

In Dominance phase, Player B has 4, and Player A controls standing Distinguished Boatswain and Captured Cog.

Question is how much Player A has during dominance? Minus 2 or plus 4? Does character counts value below 0?

Thanks in advance.

No. A character never has a STR below 0. Negative modifiers are accounted for when calculating a single character's str, but not the aggregate str of multiple characters. The GJ player has 0 for the swain + 4 for the cog = 4.

Edited by Vaapad

It's the same reason that same Boatswain (with 5 cards in Shadows) attacking with King Balon's Host (8 STR) gives you a challenge STR of 8, not 2.

How terrible is it that upon reading this thread's title, I mis-pronounced 'boatswain' in my mind, and then had to refrain from posting to correct the OP for making me mis-pronounce it.

This is what happens when I'm sick. Going back to bed.

Edited by -Istaril