I am working on a custom race to later be used for a F&D campaign that is set in the decades after my current EotE one. Long and short, convicts & sith lords from the time of the Galactic Cold War (SWTOR) are thawed out a few years before Yavin. While I have no idea if the players will be interested, I want the option available to play grandchildren of these Sith lords and as such am creating a Sith Pureblood race.
I have all characteristics set at 2, a free rank in Melee or Lightsaber, they get 100xp at character creation, and Dark Side Sustainment: When rolling Discipline to recover strain after an encounter, a Sith Pureblood may add a number of Force Die up to their Force Rating and count Black pips as successes. Characters without an Force Rating may add 1 Boost instead.
EDIT: Changed the racial power to be less game-breaking as per Ghostofman's suggestion. Any other thoughts/suggestions?
Edited by Meribson