Noob Question

By SteveRobertz, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

Having only discovered Netrunner a few weeks ago I have this question... Playing as the Runner, after I have passed the last piece of ice protecting a server and before I access that server can I play an event card?

You can't. Both playing Events and making runs are actions, and an action has to be resolved fully before you can perform another one.

Edited by AmtsboteHannes

Specifically, Page 15 of the rulebook:

The Runner can perform any of the following actions as many
times as he likes, and in any combination, provided he can pay
for them.
{Make a run, play an event, install a card, clear a tag, etc}
Whenever the Runner spends clicks on one of these actions, he
is considered to be taking an action and cannot take another
action until the current action fully resolves.

Likewise, any installed card with a Paid Ability including a Click cost, must also be used as an Action.

Thanking you!