Hi all
After another amazing game of Talisman on Sunday, where by the strongest character who appeared to be running away with the game, succumbed to the Nether deck (if you roll under the Enemies attack roll you are KILLED), followed by every other character one by one trying to gain the loot. 6 characters killed by one Craft 5 enemy. CLASSIC!
So this got me thinking, the Nether Deck needs feeding up! Perhaps another 20 or so cards could add to the deck without diluting it too much. I thought that there definitely needs to be more catastrophic cards (striping a character of all of his objects or followers) and perhaps Enemies which get stronger when they are fighting stronger characters. Also some extremely jester like trickster card which makes all players swap gold, spells, objects, followers.... Or maybe even making players fully swap characters!!!
Does anyone know whether Strange Eons has been updated yet with the Nether Deck cardback? Would anyone be interested in making an expansion with me? I have some ideas for cards and a little knowledge of photoshop, but could do with a photoshop wizard and someone who could seek out good artwork
Edited by jackyboy