So an interesting thing came up the other day.
Emery was in play, Emery is unique, and the rules state that you cannot play a unique char if that char is in play
This is all good no problem there however the rules also state the following
" Any attempt to do so will fail to the extent that the card attempting to enter play remains in its current location (hand, deck, discard pile) and does not enter play." (emphasis mine)
Any attempt to do so implies you can attempt, why is this important to us
What if you use emery's action to attempt to play her, does it completely fail, or do you do the action and then reverse it.
Basicly if you attempted to play a unique when the unique is in play, do you still pay the cost, be it resources or an action, and if you do so does it get reversed.
Im aware in other games they have much more complicated rules governing this that answer the above question and it wouldnt have even been a question had the rules not stated "any attemt to do so" impliing by its wording that you can attempt.