Hi all,
I’ve been experiencing some problems with a character build in my group; a Thousand Sons Sorcerer. I have looked over the forums here and haven’t found any posts that address this particular issue. I was wondering if any of you had this problem, or could offer some solutions. The player is open to adapting the character so as to not ruin the fun of the other players.
His character has a Psy rating of 4, a Willpower of 72, the Boon of Tzeentch power, and the Force Storm power.
Here’s what happens during most combats (first round):
Half action 1 – cast Boon of Tzeentch fettered. With a Psy Rating of 4 (counts as 2), he rolls on a willpower of 82. He usually gets 4-6 degrees of success. Let’s say he gets 6. That gives him a temporary Psy Rating of 10 for the next power used. The damage caused to him by casting the Boon is 1d5+10, Pen 4 (average 13). Well, he has power armor (10) and TB 8; so that’s no damage. Thus, no drawback to casting Boon.
Half action 2 – cast Force Storm unfettered with a temp Psy rating of 10. He rolls on a Willpower of 122. Let’s say he gets a 45. That’s 8 degrees of success; producing 8 shots of 1d10+30 each. Average damage of 35 each.
Even for an adversary with 10 armor and 10 toughness bonus, that’s 120 damage to the body in the first round of combat. Ugh.
The rest of the party are humans; so I don’t want to just throw Bloodthirsters at them. It’s fine when I run non-combat encounters/puzzles, but any combat is over in about 1 round…
Any thoughts or suggestions? Are we doing something wrong?