Building a 3d Endor table...

By Stromboli, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

So, I've been working on a 3d endor table using a layout like in the pics. Since the pics, I've cut down the map size slightly to fit onto a piece of foamboard. So far, I've glued down the speeder tiles and trees and now I need to work on the bunker itself. The wall ruins in the first pics are just there to visualize the structure.



After cutting it down, mounting it to foamboard and gluing down trees and speeders. CAM02726.jpg

Edited by Stromboli

Just built the speeder shed. I just need to paint the leaves and add foliage. CAM02727.jpg

The last of my progress for today. CAM02732.jpg


Very nice :)

Added: Ewoks on some of the impassable tree squares.

Transparisteel walls to replace the wall lined sections on the map.

Control terminal in the shield generator room complete with round terminal access for R2. This will be what Rebels will interact with to auto-win the mission.




Edited by Stromboli

Are those the Wotc speeder bikes Or the old west end game ones

The 2 crappy looking ones are WOTC, the 2 that are closest to the forest are from knights models.

really beautiful

Added: transparent "holo projector table" and bacta tank.

Control console and table with a scout trooper helmet on it.

R2 unit at terminal in generator room.

Next up is second floor turbolift with terminal.











Finished off the board (mostly... I may add later).

Made transparent tables for the rest of the rooms and added the second floor of the turbolift where a terminal will go.

Now, I'm working on my temple board. CAM02799.jpg CAM02798.jpg CAM02795.jpg CAM02794.jpg

And now working on this next. I've only just started and I just started pouring the water feature etc. I need to construct fountains and tons of other stuff. CAM02801.jpg

What xwing is that you have parked back there?

It's a Revell snaptite.

Any idea where I could get my hands on a copy of this map? I know it's out of print, but is there a printable copy somewhere on the interwebs I just haven't found?

Where are the Sanyassan Marauders?

Very nice!

Move over Warhammer!

Any idea where I could get my hands on a copy of this map? I know it's out of print, but is there a printable copy somewhere on the interwebs I just haven't found?

This is from the attack on endor scenario pack from WotC minis. you can probably find it at your FLG for about $30 or online from about $20-30.