Calling all southerners (especially those in or near Texas)

By MarcoPulleaux, in UFS Fan Announcements

With the plethora of bannings and the recent information bestowed upon us that Tekken will not be legal until after Worlds, I figured the best time to have a regional would be now, in the month of July, to give us an ample opportunity to test and witness what might work for Worlds.

However, as my local San Antonio playgroup is a big fluxuating in its number, I figured before I go and spend a bunch of money (or have my shop owner spend a bunch of money), I'd like to propose some ideas.

There needs to be a regional this month, as I've said. Also, after attending the Dallas regional, it was pretty much agreed upon that we ought to try to shoot for an Austin, TX regional. So, with that, I'll say this:

If anybody in or near Texas is down, I'm totally up for setting up a San Antonio regional. Our card shop is big, and while this may be superfluous, we have a Six Flags, and a bunch of really cool tourist attractions to help give you more of an incentive to stay.

Now, if we can get some input from Austin players, that would be great, because the Texas capitol of Austin is amazing, and I'm sure most of us Texans would appreciate it.

Anyways, I figured I'd put the word out, and I'd like to hear some thoughts about an appropriate meeting ground pereferably in or near Texas for a july regionals, once again, to help us prepare for the Worlds to come.

I won't be able to go myself, im trying to get money for Worlds at the moment, and I leave texas on the 16th =/

Hm, I'd like to go to a regionals, BUT I'm also trying to save money for worlds with sage... hopefully to lose there and meet some cool people. Make it closer to Lubbock IMO T_T

I, as well as Sage and Steven, would like another regionals here. But we just had ours in Lubbock, and worlds is expensive from here. How does a motorhome ride to Indianapolis sound? We want to split gas and play test for days on an awesome road trip. We wouldn't even need a hotel!!!

Does anyone have a motorhome? I think we might rent one, but it would be much more convenient if someone had one and wants to roadtrip.

Okay, so we might carpool to a regionals if you can set one up... just let us know, and hopefully it's not too far from Lubbock.

To all 3:

I don't mean a regionals any time soon, just, within the month would be nice. Like I said, a nice neutral meeting ground like Austin or Waco would be fine for likely any of us I'd wager. Just an idea.

As far as Worlds goes...

I don't know what's going to happen. I'd like to do a personal road trip with friends, but I think I've only got 3 of us confirmed, and we may not even have a vehicle.


If you guys are planning on a road trip, I'm totally on board for contributing whatever money possible. Now Jasco, you get mad props for suggesting (lol) a motorhome, because really, we're gonna need one, I'm sure.

You guys need to keep me in the loop. Post here, or EMail me at

Keep in touch. I really, really don't want to get a plane, arrive on Friday, leave Sunday, or something like that (especially since I don't have anywhere to stay lol).

I'm fine flying up there or riding up there.

All I'll say about driving to Worlds is that I hope you can resist the urge to kill yourself just to make the drive end.

It's the drive that never ends. EVER. We're still in the car on the way there from last year =/

You might consider organizing the regional a bit later on in the year, especially sometime within a month or so of the Tekken release. That way people's wallets will have had time to recover from Worlds, and you'll be able to get in one of the first regionals with a legal Set 13. Just a thought.

I'm in love (no homo) with Jasco's idea to get a mobile home, and as a man who LOVES to drive, I'm more than willing to take the wheel for as many hours as I can stomach. The 5 hour drive from San Ant to Dallas and back was wonderful (though getting lost in Dallas itself for 2 hours? Miserable).

As for setting up a reggie, well, that's why I'm having our evil council here >:]

But yeah, if nobody here is willing to attempt a regional mid/late July to test the waters before the biggest UFS event, then it's certainly no skin off my back.

And yeah, having a regional post Tekken is a great idea.

MarcoPulleaux said:

I'm in love (no homo) with Jasco's idea to get a mobile home

You realize those things get 7-8 miles per the gallon at best, right?

Well I'm all for an Austin regional which means I won't have to drive at all and the cost would be minimal. =D

However, our store isn't huge and 75% of is taken up by warhammer but if we plan ahead it should work. It would be neat to test out a few things before world's.

I'm down for whatever. But yeah, if you're planning on having it in Austin, you need to contact the store NOW in order to reserve enough space as they do have an active Warhammer following. I'd guesstimate that your best bet would be the end of July if you want to have it.

At any rate, I'd love to actually play in another regional.

Even if we don't have a regional you guys should come back down to Austin so we can play a little before world's and hang out. (Especially you Nubian_God since you're not going to World's.)

Don't I have some feud to settle with the Dallas guys? ;)

KawaiiMistress said:

Don't I have some feud to settle with the Dallas guys? ;)

Fued? I have heard of no such thing... =O

Well in that case...the gauntlet has been thrown.

I love how the Austin scout was not notified of any of such talks. : /

Let's make this happen.