Orion + Wormhole

By AvengingRage, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

Hey guys, quick rules question here.

Situation: I have the following two pieces of ICE rez'd:


Trash 1 program.

Resolve a subroutine on another piece of rezzed ice.

End the run.


Resolve a subroutine on another piece of rezzed ice.

The runner encounters Orion with just enough credits to break 1 subroutine on Orion (breaking Trash 1 program). Can I use the "resolve a subroutine on another piece of ICE" to resolve the same sub on Wormhole, then resolving "Trash 1 program" on the original Orion?


Seems perfectly cromulent to me.

Again with the titular ICE, if I use one of them to resolve the subroutine on Data Raven, does the power counter go on Data Raven, or on the encountered ICE?

Again with the titular ICE, if I use one of them to resolve the subroutine on Data Raven, does the power counter go on Data Raven, or on the encountered ICE?

What does the subroutine tell you to do?

Data Raven says place a power counter on Data Raven. That's the subroutine instruction, so that's exactly what you do.

Fair enough. Just wanted a second opinion. Thanks. :)

Fair enough. Just wanted a second opinion. Thanks. :)

Sorry, reading my answer back I come across as really condescending. My apologies, yours is actually a very common question, so it's obviously not that intuitive to everyone. I was attempting to give the reasoning along with the answer but the tone was off. Sorry again ;)