Test examples

By mouthymerc, in Zombie Apocalypse

I'm new at the game so I'm going to post a sample attack to make sure I'm approaching the mechanics correctly:

My character is going to attack a zombie.

PC Stats:

3 Dex / 3 Vit +Rock Climber, - Can't Run Fast

3 Log / 3 Will, + Computer Engineer, - Insomniac

3 Char / 1 Emp, +Non Conflicted killing Zombies, - anxiety.

NPC Stats: (Infected)

4 Dex / 2 Vitality / 2 Logic

+ Feels No Pain, + Horrifying, +Relentless, - Single Minded

PC attacks with initiative:

1+ Dice for attack

1+ Dice for rock climber (strength)

1+ Dice for Non Conflicted Zombie Killer

1+ Dice for knife

1- Dice for the act of attacking a zombie


Positive: 4, 6, 1, 2

Neg: 1

Results: 1's cancel each other. 6 is above dex, 4 is above dex, so I get one success with the 2.

My character sustains no damage and the zombie sustains 3 stress, 1 for the success and 2 for the + 2 damage on the knife.

Does that sound about right?

I'm new at the game so I'm going to post a sample attack to make sure I'm approaching the mechanics correctly:

My character is going to attack a zombie.

PC Stats:

3 Dex / 3 Vit +Rock Climber, - Can't Run Fast

3 Log / 3 Will, + Computer Engineer, - Insomniac

3 Char / 1 Emp, +Non Conflicted killing Zombies, - anxiety.

NPC Stats: (Infected)

4 Dex / 2 Vitality / 2 Logic

+ Feels No Pain, + Horrifying, +Relentless, - Single Minded

PC attacks with initiative:

1+ Dice for attack

1+ Dice for rock climber (strength)

1+ Dice for Non Conflicted Zombie Killer

1+ Dice for knife

1- Dice for the act of attacking a zombie


Positive: 4, 6, 1, 2

Neg: 1

Results: 1's cancel each other. 6 is above dex, 4 is above dex, so I get one success with the 2.

My character sustains no damage and the zombie sustains 3 stress, 1 for the success and 2 for the + 2 damage on the knife.

Does that sound about right?

Why did you applied that neg. dice "for the act of attacking a zombie"? Negative dices added for the task's danger or difficulty, neg. features, traumas or enviromental effects - so you could gain a negative dice beacuse of the horrified state of your character (if you'd been horrified for example), or any injury you have (and actively effects your attack) etc.

As a GM, I wouldn't give you a positive dice for the "rock climber" feature in any combat related task btw :)

Your resolve on the rolled dices is correct, in my opinion.

Now that people have been playing for a while, I have a few questions as I am going to run by 2nd session only in a year in half:

1) Is there a consensus on using zombies' features on PCs rolls? In the example above, would a GM add a negative die to a PC roll for "+F eels No Pain, + Horrifying, +Relentless"?

2) What about when the zombie attack back? What would the example be?

1+ Dice for attack

1+ Dice for Feels No Pain

1+ Dice for Horrifying

1+ Dice for Relentless

1- Dice for Single Minded

3) Anyone tried to resolve a PC/Zombie fight with only 1 roll, adding all features of the PC and Zombies all together?

4) What about when a group of Zombies attach 1 PC? Did anyone create any minion-like rules? Ex: Adding a white die for every additional zombie, but each minion Zombie has only 1 stress?


Actually that quote puts me in the right more then it does you.

If features from a target (social, combat or other) would be of influence you would think they'd make an effort to name them in such a rule, right? They specifically name them from the active side but they speak only of " environmental conditions", "hazards" and "inherent difficulty" from the passive side, so I guess they do not come into play RAW .

Also, in all RPG's I've played the to hit roll does not take the fighting ability of the opponent into account. Neither D&D, nor EotE, nor CoC. I am having a hard time believing a simple rules-light system such as this one would do so.

Tunnels and Trolls melee has both sides roll, who ever rolls most, does damage to the other side. In PbtA, a middling roll has both sides do damage to each other. I can't remember, but there was an idie RPG that had one roll, where if you failed, the bad guy did damage, succeded, you gave damage.

wrong thread post

Edited by Vonether

Id like an answer on the use of opponent features on a combat roll too? It was discussed a lot but any consensus yet?