Time to return to the Streets of Arkham and see if Michael, Darrell, Finn and Marie could have their revenge on Hastur.
The game opened with
Silver Twilight Aid / Heralds the End
ES: 0, Doom: 0
Day 1:
Only easy or mid-difficulty cards in play; Michael passes Police Raid without any problem, while Darrell uses Flashlight to turn faceup a Black Cave adventure, then moves to the Science Building; the event he has to resolve there allows Michael to join him and trade items. In this way Darrell gains Dynamite and a clue and passes Alien Dissection. Finn uses the Cross to bless himself and then passes The Coven, gaining the first ES of the game. Marie passes Cold Case and then finally Michael passes Strange Heirloom and becomes Blessed.
Man Struggles / Amid the Stillness
(-1 ES due to "At Midnight" effect of Independence Square)
ES: 0, Doom: 1
Day 2:
Darrell passes Shipment from Innsmouth; Finn passes Archaic Collection and finally Marie passes A Warm Meal, advancing the clock.
Shattered Worlds / For a Dark Future
(yellow lock)
ES: 0, Doom: 1
Day 3:
Two OWs in play at this moment of the game; time to start working on those, so that Michael passes Lost Carcosa (+2 ES; +1 doom) and Darrell, spending all his clues and remaining resources, manages to pass The City of Gugs (+2ES, -1 doom; +1 doom). Gates would have kept on appearing due to the At Midnight effect of a Witch House adventure, so that Finn moves there and manages to pass The Forbidden Library (+1 ES). Finally Marie passes Stormy Crossing.
Strange Sights / For a Dark Fate
(red lock due to Mythos; monster spawned by Strange Sights locks the yellow die)
ES: 5, Doom: 2
Day 4:
Michael passes Wheeling and Dealing; Darrell moves to the Ma's adventure where the Ghost is locking the yellow die; the adventure revealed resulted in being Room 13, hence, an additional red lock, and the event makes appear a Spectral Hunter. Darrell uses the Flute of the Outer Gods to clear the Ghost while he rolls well enough to remove the Spectral Hunter, but fails the adventure. Finn passes Breaking and Entering
Common Ground / Tempts Fate
ES: 5, Doom: 2
Day 5:
Marie comes to help Darrell, and she passes Room 13 (+1 ES); Michael moves to Death at the Docks, but the location results being unstable, and he so arrives in the City of the Great Race. The event (triggered by the last Mythos lingering effect) results in a Gug appearing. Michael clears the Gug and passes the adventure, remaining with 1 Sta (+1 ES; +1 doom). Darrell passes Prayers for the Loss and is Blessed.
Dark Portals / Reveal Terrifying Worlds
ES: 7, Doom: 3
Day 6:
Finn passes Death at the Docks (+1 doom due to Event), while Marie passes Lost in Time and Space, closing the last open gate (+1 ES; +1 doom).
Strange Sights / Herald the End
ES: 8, Doom: 5
Day 7:
Michael gains a Sheldon Gang Membership before attempting Back Alley Battle; he passes the adventure (-1 doom). Darrell passes Open Graves, then uses the Roadster to have another turn; he then passes Necromantic Rites. Finn uses Flare Gun to summon Michael and exchange some equipment, and then passes The Ornate Chest (also thanks to recovering two dice with the Cabala of Saboth).
Shattered Worlds / Herald the End
ES: 9, Doom: 4
Day 8:
Marie enters the South Church and stipulates a Devil’s Bargain; she passes Sanctification (-1 doom; +2 doom due to event); Michael passes Ancient Egypt (+1 ES; +1 doom).
Man’s Descent / Tempts the Fate
ES: 10, Doom: 6
Day 9:
Darrell passes Police Assistance, and Finn passes Cryptic Messages. Marie moves to Another Time, but the event (triggered by the lingering effect of the Mythos card) would result in no reward for passing the adventure. Marie opts to fail, advancing the clock.
The Stars Align / While Tme Sleeps Away
ES: 10, Doom: 7
Day 10:
Michael passes Another Time (+2 ES; +1 doom); Darrell enters the Silver Twilight Lodge; the entry triggers 1 doom, that summons a Shan, flying to the Train Station and locking a green die. Darrell then uses Sigil of the Order to gain a Silver Twilight Membership and the right to bypass the last task on the adventure card. He passes the adventure, winning the last ES needed.
Final outcome: victory by Elder Sign in 75 minutes, with Doom at 7