Greetings again!
Same neophyte GM here from the Crafting an Inquisitor thread . I want to start working on the next phase of my pre-campaign plans. Phase one is the chargen described in the other thread. Phase two is some early character development. While I am not running a Hogwarts in Space kind of thing, neither is my Inquisitor setting his acolytes up for failure. To wit, PC's will receive some training - whether they realize that it is just training or not. (I have the seed of an idea for some kind of PvP covert spying scenario as their final, graduating mission) One of the primary foci of this portion of the pre-campaign is for each PC to develop their own networks.
These networks, of course, will be more limited in size and loyalty than what the Inquisitor has (and in which the Acolytes are pretty far down, hierarchically). However, my game will lean heavily towards mystery/intrigue/intelligence gathering, avoiding grimderp/slapstick-comedy/ultraviolence. As such, I want my operatives to be able to operate .
So, any tips or suggestions for how to go about developing this (both mechanically and narratively)?
Edited by Gaius Iago Urbanus