Lieutenant Mini Pics for Wave 2 are up

By player33475, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I know not many people seem to be getting these but pics of the wave 2 minis have been put up. I wonder when wave 3 are due

Skywalker said:

I know not many people seem to be getting these but pics of the wave 2 minis have been put up. I wonder when wave 3 are due

I bought all of the first wave and intend to get the rest of the figures. They are excellent sculpts I think. Well worth it if you have the money and are going to use them. Especially if you enjoy painting minis.

Warrior of Myth said:

Skywalker said:

I know not many people seem to be getting these but pics of the wave 2 minis have been put up. I wonder when wave 3 are due

I bought all of the first wave and intend to get the rest of the figures. They are excellent sculpts I think. Well worth it if you have the money and are going to use them. Especially if you enjoy painting minis.

I have the first wave on order. Are they to scale with other Descent figures? The Anima Tactics figures from the same sculptors are a more standard size and bigger than the Descent minis.

The Wave 2 figs look awesome and I cannot wait to get my hands on them. I have wave 1 and yeah they look great in the game.

Skywalker said:

I have the first wave on order. Are they to scale with other Descent figures? The Anima Tactics figures from the same sculptors are a more standard size and bigger than the Descent minis.

Sir Alric:


Lord Merrick:


Sweet. Thanks for the pics.

So I find it interesting that not many are talking about the Lt's. How many have bought them? And are they selling well cause I would like to see the last three get released with maybe some Avatar minis in the future. I am currently painting the Wave 1 & 2 sets up and will post them here in a couple weeks. These are gorgeous sculpts!

I have not bought them currently, but I might in the future. The ones at my local game store don't appear to be moving very well as the same ones appear to have been hanging on the wall since they were released.

Gah! That is not good. Come on Descent players start buying these things. Your not a TRUE FAN unless you own these LT's! gui%C3%B1o.gif


I'm just finishing up painting Gata and Thaad to complete my first wave set. I have the second wave on order but they are bundled in the same order as my pre-order of the Quest Compendium so it will probably be a few weeks before I get them. I'll post a picture of my painted first wave soon.

I have 'em all. 'Bout half painted so far.

Good to hear! Looking forward to seeing them.

As promised, here are my painted wave one lieutenant figures:

Wave 1 lieutenants

You can see higher resolution images on BoardgameGeek: