IA Storage Ideas

By skatepharmacy, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Any chance of someone posting photos of how they're storing it, and maybe an Amazon link to the exact model?

Here it is on Amazon , but just go to Walmart. Amazon is charging twice as much, and you really need to inspect it for defects*, which you obviously can't do buying online.

*It's a great product if you find a good one, but Plano's quality control process does leave a bit to be desired - half the ones I checked across two stores had issues. The most common issue you want to look out for is the main tray compartment door being too loose - pick it up, hold it with the front pointing down, and vigorously shake it. If the trays stay in, you're good. I also encountered one with a broken hinge on the top compartment (actually they straight-up forgot to put the metal rod in that holds the hinge together), so watch out for that too. Finally you want to make sure it actually has all five trays, though I suspect this is less an issue of Plano's deficient QC and more to do with shoplifters.

This is a good idea. When I got mine, we realized at the checkout counter that it was missing one of the hinge rods as well. They let my son go back and get another one right there.

Any chance of someone posting photos of how they're storing it, and maybe an Amazon link to the exact model?

Here are some pics of my set:


Thanks, guys.

Gullwind, I'm trying to figure out where on the case the photo with the map tiles is (the one that shows the "10s" and "30s" labels). Is that on one of the ends of the lid?

Thanks, guys.

Gullwind, I'm trying to figure out where on the case the photo with the map tiles is (the one that shows the "10s" and "30s" labels). Is that on one of the ends of the lid?

Yeah, there are two compartments like that built into the lid on either side, though the other one isn't divided. Brilliant use of that compartment btw Gullwind, I just have my tiles in ziplocks under the lid.

Thanks, guys.

Gullwind, I'm trying to figure out where on the case the photo with the map tiles is (the one that shows the "10s" and "30s" labels). Is that on one of the ends of the lid?

Yes, what The Gas said. Its on the left end of the case lid as you look at it from the front. It has a flip-open lid, so make sure its secure before you open the top (experience).

Definilty grab the 732 not the 728! All three local walmarts claimed to have them in stock but the shelves were empty and they couldn't find the item in their warehouse. I ended up settling for a 728 but I'll probably exchange it back in once they get 732's in stock.

The three stacking drawers in the 728 are the size of the drawers on the side of the 732. You can see in Gullwinds post above the royal guards are standing up in the smaller kit their staves get smashed because the sideways boxes are a tad smaller height wise.

Here's a picture to show some of the problems.


You can see (once the 4x Royal guards are done drying just imperials and little cards take up 2 out of 3 trays. They also don't have the flexibility of the other system All the long slots must be that long :\. With the rebels taking up half of the other tray plus the first wave of ally packs you will already be out of room! The little cards fit into one of the imperial trays but the box has trouble closing (I don't leave them in there for fear of bending the cards. They fit fine in the slightly taller boxes. Two LCG card boxes can fit in the top with the AT-ST to hold all the other cards but it's a tight fit, the side pockets also don't come with containers.

In conclusion, make sure you get the 732 well worth the $2!

At $16 bucks an insert, that cost stacks up fast. Unless someone knows of a better, cheaper way?

I do actually. I had 1750 points worth of painted Space Marines. I used a plano to store them all in...

What I did was bought couple sheets of felt from walmart, they're like 79 cents for a 8x11 sheet. I cut it up into squares and glued them into compartment of the plano box, and then glued a full sheet to the inside of the lid.

They may bounce a little bit, so you have to be careful. But the felt is soft enough that if you clear coat them with some sort of enamel clear coat (I prefer mat finish) then that seems enough to keep them from chipping or rubbing.

Edited by VanorDM

So, people using Plano boxes, where are you putting the really big map tiles? I got a 732 today (it took a lot more assembly than I realized), and I'm just leaving my tiles, sorted by 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31+, bagged on top of the rule books in the compartment under the lid. And I don't see anywhere better to put the really big tiles, like the one with the T-16, etc.

I have my large tiles, sorted into 01-10 and 21-29, standing (leaning forward) in that channel in the back of the top compartment. I have the dice in a cool little dice bag I found at my FLGS, and that goes in between during transport. You have to be a little careful when closing the lid to avoid pinching them on either side, but they seem to fit just fine.

I'm also using the Plano 732 with a CaseLogic CD case for the map tiles. It's the perfect solution!


So, people using Plano boxes, where are you putting the really big map tiles? I got a 732 today (it took a lot more assembly than I realized), and I'm just leaving my tiles, sorted by 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31+, bagged on top of the rule books in the compartment under the lid. And I don't see anywhere better to put the really big tiles, like the one with the T-16, etc.

I use the 112 capacity version of http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00005ATMD/ref=twister_B0057UNZQY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 , found at Walmart for $15. Works perfectly when paired with a fine labelmaker!


I got this: It fits in the core box nicely. Has room for all the minis and expansions. Stores all the tiles in a very organized fashion. Has enough room for all the cards from both Twin Shadows, Return to Hoth and all their expansions. You'll only need to find more room for the minis most likely. Maybe some of the tiles. Don't have my Twin Shadows yet to see if I can get it's tiles to fit.

You can buy them here.



So I just got my Twin shadows and all the Wave 2 Expansions (Boba, Droids, Somos), and all the cards fit in my current box just fine. Half the tiles fit so I think I'll keep them separate. The figs will have to stay in the Twin Shadows box. But I'm moving Saska and Biv to the core box and moving two other figs to the Twin shadows box.