Welll.... ****.... guess i need to build a new deck huh? thats fine though. i think all the bannings and errata (cept for China box cuz i love disrupting my opponent with it) are a good call...
July 2009 State of The Game
Lazy Lantern said:
FFGSteve said:
As of right now the following cards are banned:
Bitter Rivals
Fei Long’s Forward Kick
Chun Li
Juni’s Spiral Arrow
Does that mean ALL chunners EVER MADE are banned or that I can play 9Chun-li9 at worlds beacuse only the version with no dots got haxxed?
When the banned list is updated tomorrow it will reflect:
SF09 19 .::::Chun Li::::.
The banned list is permanently housed here:
You can also find your way to the above link by going to the main UFS Page, click to the Support Tab, and scrolling about a third of the way down the page past the UFS rules, to the Banned list.
Well most of my decks got better... just because everything else got worse.
1. Felicia water- I like this deck, and now that Feline Spike is Felicia only, maybe I can get some more (I have 1, someone give me 3 real cheap)
2. Mitsu Fury- Its posted over in the deck section... once I get the fury of the ancients for it... its going to be awesome
3. Zangeif... Sorry you didn't ban anything to stop me from decking my opponents faster than they can kill me. and you should have... because its boring as all hell.
4. HUGO- Laugh, but getting hit for 90 is fun...
5. Fio/Andrew Chaos deck... I like running it with either
I did have a hanzo loop... and I built it such, that I would still play with that deck... feilongs or not... I often can and do kill people with just the sheer number of attacks I can throw down in ONE turn.
haha for some decks yes my god man, esp with rejection banned
Antigoth said:
Scott Gaines said:
Steve i'm very happy with the bans but please move legacy worlds to later in the day!!! it won't take long hehe. b/c some of us legacy players plan on being their in teams! PLEASE!!!! i need my legacy crack addiction.
I'm wondering if they'll let us Iron Man it, and play both. I mean really - legacy games will take what? 5-10 minutes per game? We fit them in while waiting for the World Teams Pairings?
Scott Gaines said:
Steve i'm very happy with the bans but please move legacy worlds to later in the day!!! it won't take long hehe. b/c some of us legacy players plan on being their in teams! PLEASE!!!! i need my legacy crack addiction.
Or make Legacy Worlds earlier and move teams back a bit.
Um, all I can do is but laugh and cry. Love the way the games going now, but knowing that Tekken is less likely to get out before Gencon is pretty much a heart crusher. Question though, was Forethought and Tiger Fury so needed a banning/errata. Reason asking is I kinda really want the cards to stay where they are, then again why is China Box still here...
This is by and large the best state of the game I have ever seen.
Thank you for making the game fun again. I'll see everyone at worlds.
FFGSteve said:
Legacy World Championships
Sign up: 2 PM
Start: 4 PM
First turn kills, degenerate combos, and endless loops, who has what it takes to win it all? A bit of a later start time to give people who dropped from teams a chance to play.
Seriously Steve? I may not be able to defend my championship
I guess I can use Scott Gaines or Ben as a replacement
I really did almost crap myself when i read this....OMG is this amazing my ukyo deck kinda took a hit but hey i can live with that its in the best intrest of the game.
I kinda wish hanzo would have been banned or errata'd instead of fei longs and i really wish spinta was gone but i guess the only one who can really abuse it now is 5hs seoung-mina and im pretty that she needs something to make her on tier with everyone else...not that shes not good just 5hs is brutal to play with.
LOL i want to win teams too though
I'm just going to say that I am VERY VERY HAPPY.
So I believe that if the set was not going to be released this month we would get a full spoiler. I was hoping it would be because I am tired of FFG delays but unfortunatly we get a huge delay instead...
So yeah are we gonna get that spoiler Steve?
Also the bans/erratas were great!
Any idea what promos we can expect for Tekken? Can we please get a boxing kangaroo?!!
you know one thing that bothered me about the last few times they banned cards was that there seemed to be no chance of ever seeing erratas again. It seemed that whenever a problem came up, even though it could be fixed with an errata, it was just beaten with a ban hammer instead. Im sorry happy cards like Spike and Tiger Fury got errataed instead of banned, now we may some felica and sagat decks at worlds. On to the bannings i agree with everything except one; Chun Li. Now before i get my head ripped off, before nats even began we learned that chun li (and all air decks too) would be losing two big power cards after nationals ended. I dont see why chun li needed to be banned now. Sure she can play an attack on my opponent's turn but she got all kinds of slower with lord of the makai gone. And without chesters she cant win in a grey war anymore unless she gets very lucky.
GeneralReaction89 said:
you know one thing that bothered me about the last few times they banned cards was that there seemed to be no chance of ever seeing erratas again. It seemed that whenever a problem came up, even though it could be fixed with an errata, it was just beaten with a ban hammer instead. Im sorry happy cards like Spike and Tiger Fury got errataed instead of banned, now we may some felica and sagat decks at worlds. On to the bannings i agree with everything except one; Chun Li. Now before i get my head ripped off, before nats even began we learned that chun li (and all air decks too) would be losing two big power cards after nationals ended. I dont see why chun li needed to be banned now. Sure she can play an attack on my opponent's turn but she got all kinds of slower with lord of the makai gone. And without chesters she cant win in a grey war anymore unless she gets very lucky.
but she still has ira-spinta which gives her all the momentum she needs pretty much you use it a few times to slow down your opponent from killing you and then you attack with some large multiple attack whether it be spike or hyoko-sen
plus she can use nine lives to be extra annoying and get rid of more foundations
GeneralReaction89 said:
you know one thing that bothered me about the last few times they banned cards was that there seemed to be no chance of ever seeing erratas again. It seemed that whenever a problem came up, even though it could be fixed with an errata, it was just beaten with a ban hammer instead. Im sorry happy cards like Spike and Tiger Fury got errataed instead of banned, now we may some felica and sagat decks at worlds. On to the bannings i agree with everything except one; Chun Li. Now before i get my head ripped off, before nats even began we learned that chun li (and all air decks too) would be losing two big power cards after nationals ended. I dont see why chun li needed to be banned now. Sure she can play an attack on my opponent's turn but she got all kinds of slower with lord of the makai gone. And without chesters she cant win in a grey war anymore unless she gets very lucky.
She got slower with LotM out but she can still drop a Spinta on your turn, nuke 2 targets, force you to deal with it (and use all her offensive enhances, like Chinabox) and then have everything ready back up on her own turn to launch another assault. Without LotM, she IS slower -- but you can run Professional Soldier to get a much costlier version (but it's still effectively free, if you already had tapped it) or Natural Leader to ****** the 2 you need for Hyokosen or Spike. Go second -> foundation -> her turn Spinta + White Magic + 3 foundations -> your turn eat 4H8 + 4H8 + 4H8, plus stun:2... get ready for another one next turn, too <3
Order isn't a contender? Okay, we need to go back to Reppa + High Plasma Beam strats to kill. Okay, we can't get effortless hardlocks with good luck (and bad luck from you, or a single attack). Your staging area still gets tipped sideways by the power of JUSTICE and that's never gonna change. Plus I-spin, plenty of card draw, a couple insane defensive pieces (BRT, Amy's, Holding Ground)...
And yeah, Death is hella-good, it just got like 10 extremely playable cards in the last set, the only damage from these bans is the loss of Olcadan's (which it wasn't great at defending, so net gain there), and most of the other symbols were weakened. And it's getting Power of the Edge soon. It's got 3 different pieces of R-negation (Charismatic, Inhuman, Preventing the Curse), so its practically got the control game on lock from the start. IMO its only weakness is a strong aggro deck -- and with Ka Technique sniping at your board, Shadow Blade reversals (no more Bitter Rivals sniping them!), Spiritual Center shutting down your baddest pumps... it's nasty baby
Now that every card that I HAVE ALWAYS SAID HAD BEEN BROKEN has officially been banned
No, I'm serious, for ever now I have gone on and on about how X-cards need to be banned, and as always, I've been right
Now let's see some apologies. Let's go.
Why was Chun-Li banned?
Ukyo Sakazaki Classic said:
Why was Chun-Li banned?
She was an overcompensation for lack of a decent prior Chun-Li. She did too much at too little cost.
Ukyo Sakazaki Classic said:
Why was Chun-Li banned?
MarcoPulleaux said:
Now that every card that I HAVE ALWAYS SAID HAD BEEN BROKEN has officially been banned
No, I'm serious, for ever now I have gone on and on about how X-cards need to be banned, and as always, I've been right
Now let's see some apologies. Let's go.
Or you can not be a **** about it and step off the throne, making people dislike you even more
plus, if i'm not mistaken, you listed just a handful more cards than these, mr. revisionist history.
And LIfe quietly steps in as the best Symbol in the game.
Bah humbug, this thread might as well say, "Shinji, you were right: now please utilize that lovely faux-arrogance you've always used, AND MAKE THOSE OF INFERIOR INTELLIGENCE BOW TO YOUR IMPENDINGLY-CORRECT LOGIC!"
And yes, I did mention a handful of extra cards (BRT and Akuma banned, etc), but every card on that list was something I'd spoken against (except for Fei Long's Kick because I'd rather Hanzo errata, and Tiger Fury which I've honestly never been too opposed against).
Facetious Shinji is facetious, but **** Tag, you're always there to give me the exact response I want to satisfy me.
No homo.
You remind me way too much of Frostmane right now.
A guy who got himself banned from the store we play at.
Funny story.
Shut up and admire my artwork.