New Rogue Trader Designer Diary: Rogue Trader Preview #1

By FFG Ross Watson, in Rogue Trader

Greetings Rogue Trader fans!

This week, I have an excellent first look at the Rogue Trader core rulebook in my designer diary. Take a look at the eighth Career for Rogue Trader, the Explorator!


Finally a preview to shake my stick at.


Peacekeeper_b said:


Finally a preview to shake my stick at.


Awkward... But, yeah, similar (but more PG) sentiments.

-=Brother Praetus=-

Thats a nice preview, so what comes next... I hope, that we will see in the future, something about the starships, please!!!

Very nice, very nice indeed. Very appropriate first preview too given that we've been discussing this back and forth as to whether the Explorators will make an appearance representing the Ad Mech. It also looks like this solves a problem some of us have with Forsaken Bounty only having five available pre-gen PCs. lengua.gif

One small question though; if Tech Use and several of the knowledge skills are starting skills players get automatically when they roll up an Explorator PC, then why are they also listed as a purchasable skill in the advancement lists? Just my two cents

Same reason they're listed in DH. So that players and GMs know what the skills would cost if they ever needed them (NPCs for example or homebrew career switching rules).

MDMann said:

Same reason they're listed in DH. So that players and GMs know what the skills would cost if they ever needed them (NPCs for example or homebrew career switching rules).

Was that listed in Dark Heresy? I need to check my friend's book again...

I had exactly the same first reaction as Psion - and I'm not sure MDMann's explanation makes too much sense, as not ALL of the starting skills are listed on the charts.

That bit of pedantry on my part aside, this is great stuff. Characters are clearly pitched at a higher power level than DH, but not ridiculously so. The page layout is neat and readable, the art is solid, the write-up is good, the gear for the Explorator is well thought out and offers quite a few player options... I really really like this, extremely promising. Plus the rule book is clearly going to be at least 375 pages long - how big was DH again? I don't have my copy on me at the moment!

Plus I really like the art on the screen that links to the PDF - I'm guessing that's a plasma drive? I love the way it looks like a colossal plasma gun. Very good stuff, respectful to the GW original, but moving the art and setting forward.

It was listed in an errata I think, or a reply on one of the posts asking a similar question about Dark Hershy (the chocolate bar that chews back), one of the rare responses by FFG.

It's listed because an optional package may change your starting character and you might need to buy them later.

MDMann is correct. DH does the same thing, and the same question popped up there and the answer was as he said.

MDMann said:

It was listed in an errata I think, or a reply on one of the posts asking a similar question about Dark Hershy (the chocolate bar that chews back), one of the rare responses by FFG.

Ah, okay then.

No problem, and thanks dvang. gran_risa.gif