I wanted to start this thread as a sharing topic for anyone who is wanting to share or make new psychic powers into DH 2nd Ed. Plus post any questions about the current rules for psychic powers.
My own thoughts are after looking through the 2nd Ed I kinda was disappointed by there being fewer psychic powers. In Dark Heresy 1st ed there are 10 powers per discipline and in DH2 there are 9 powers per discipline and they removed the 32 minor powers. While psykers don't need to have a large amount of psychic powers to be powerful I think there needs to be more of a variety and have more expansion to it.
I also play the tabletop game of 40k and in the 7th Ed they introduced 2 more disciplines for the tabletop game, Daemonology-Malefic (Forces of Chaos) Daemonology-Sanctic (Holy Forces like Grey Knights). Personally as a player and a Game master I would love to see these powers in DH2, as a expansion for either radical (or corrupted) PCs and NPCs or more holy and just characters, and other disciplines too also I would like to see a frost discipline (that's just me). Are there disciplines of the dark gods in any other publications. I haven't read any Black Crusade books and was wondering if they had some psychic powers for the 4 chaos gods.