neutral army advantage? loyalty cost

By alexbobspoons, in Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game

Is it considered that putting together a neutral army, eg lizardmen, has an advantage due to lack of loyalty costs?

Seems a 3pt neutral card is always going to be 3pts but a 3pt orc card could be increased to 6 if you dont have enough other cards in play.

Just seems loyalty armies need to plan this carefuly to avoid excess cost, but lizardmen, vampires, wood elves and skaven just dont need to bother.

Seems a bit unbalanced, what are peoples thoughts?


It's not a problem. In general, neutral cards tend to be a bit weaker than non-neutrals with the same cost. While this might not be true for many cards in Hidden Kingdoms, there still are no balance issues. I think you might be mistaken about the disadvantages of loyalty. Unless you're playing a real multi-faction deck, loyalty generally isn't an issue after the first turn.

and add to that that your neutral armies don't have nearly the cardpool to choose from as the original 6 factions.

Thanks for that, good to know its balanced :)

Sad the card pool is noticably smaller, skaven and lizardmen are favourite armies of mine so was looking forward to playing them and ive always fancied giving vampire counts a shot at something. I hadnt looked at the card listing for hidden kingdom yet but the blurb suggested a big fleshing out of those armies but i guess not as much as id hoped compared to core armies from what youve said.

Really appreciate your replies thank you :)

Good we keep this game alive as much as possible, especially with me only just buying it :)

Don't worry about the smaller cardpool - the neutral races are still very fun and quite playable.

Great thanks, good to know :)