Opening the Gates of Arkham - a review

By Julia, in Elder Sign

For those who might be interested, I posted an extensive review of the new expansion at BGG. You can read it here :)

Just came across this on BGG- Great Review, I have the Game but as I've been away from home

for over 2 months so I haven't seen it yet ( but just a little over 2 weeks more I can get back

to cold/grey New Jersey & get this on the Table).

Your review indicates that GoA is going to be what I was hoping for when I preordered it.


Happy you liked the review :) I can assure the game's much better than anything I can write :)

Travel safe home, and let us know :)

Great review.

I only started playing ES and ES:UF a few months ago. My roommate, wife, and I have, probably, a 60% win ratio. With the new game, we have a 0%. We've incorporated GOA rules into the museum setting as much as possible, but it's still nothing compared to the difficulty of the new expansion.

Wonderful review, thanks for taking the time to post it! Definitely captures the flavour of the new game, and I really like these thoughts that are springing up of 'now, anything's possible'!


Thanks, Mark, for your words. Indeed, I do hope that Gates of Arkham is not the end of a good series, but a new and different beginning :)

I was initially concerned, as I remember hearing that Richard Launius had material for two expansions as if that's all we're going to get for the game . But this definitely feels like they've opened the gate to a lot more... *chortle*