Always in motion is the Future

By Gigerstreak, in General Discussion

I would greatly appreciate some theorycrafting from the fine people on these forums.

In my new FnD Beta Game I had the Players (Padawans) escape from the Jedi Temple during the raid by the 501st and Vader. They rounded up the younglings (from the movie) and ran for it. This was just the intro so I didn't plan on too much trouble for them getting out. During a climactic moment I expected them to have to leave the younglings in the tower as Vader was there. Instead the Force-Heaviest PC tried to sacrifice himself in order to buy them enough time. He pulled a very impressive move object and got a Triumph and a Despair. I described it as both Vader and him flying backwards (Vader down the hall a bit, and him into the wall of the Turbolift "Did I win?"). Due to Vader's pride he instantly got a 5 obligation (Nemesis-Darth Vader) but it was just enough to get the younglings aboard the lift... and away from canon. Due to Vader NOT killing the younglings, it altered some of what went down afterward. I had Anakin/Vader win the fight with Obi-Wan and then grab Padme and fly off to the Emperor to "save her". Leaving R2 with his ship. The PCs met with Yoda and he sent them to retrieve Obi-Wan's lightsaber (as it contains important information hidden in a chip inside it's hilt). They found it an picked up R2D2.

Here is where I need some theories. What about the Star Wars universe would make this fun to alter?

Vader is not more machine now, than man. Still twisted and evil though (Maybe not as much though, no killing of children?)

Padme may or may not be dead. If she is dead, Vader could be keeping her remains in Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center. She could be reconstructed all cybernetic (Lady Vader?), She could be some kind of Sith Zombie where Anakin loves on her chained up corpse in a gruesome mockery of a relationship while he tries to figure out what went wrong. What if he had the Emperor Clone Padme so that the twins had a mother, but since the clone isn't the real Padme he treats her poorly (and she doesn't understand why)?

What of Anakin's plan to overthrow the Emperor?

Thank you for ANY help and advice. Alt-Universe campaigns can be really fun, but this switch up has some really big implications!

Usually my first advice with Alt-universe is "don't go crazy". Try and change the minimum amount of this possible to create the effect your going for, and let everything else fall into place. Particularly a universe that has a very strong Destiny mechanic pushing it in particular directions is going to be more similar than different.

Order 66 is still in existence. Vader failed to eliminate the Jedi, as he was supposed to and is more under Palpatine's eye than before. "The younglings that escaped must not become Jedi."

Padme's death is critical to Vader's complete turning to the darkside, so the Emperor would ensure she does not survive. Luke and Leia would be killed, or trained in secret by Palpatine or Vader (which ever managed to keep it secret from the other) becoming Starkiller and/or the first of the Emperor's hands. The inquisitor would start up in force to hunt down the escaped Jedi.

Really, for 99.99% of citizens of the galaxy, there's no difference for the next 18 years. Until they have no light-side Luke to destroy the Death Star. Of course, depending on the Will of the Force, someone else might accomplish that instead.

Alternately, the whole "balance the force" thing come back super-fast, Palpatine tries to kill Padme and corrupt Luke, Vader realizes he's become dark and the Emperor must be destroyed to save his children. Vader destroyed Palpatine at the cost of his life. A consortium of high military officials form a tribunal to keep the New Order from falling apart while the Imperial Senate reclaims political athority. Yoda returns and recovers the two infants to be trained as new Jedi. Tarken is removed from power, The Emperor's evil and racist programs are never instituted, freedom and order reign in the galaxy.

YOU SHOULD have been ready for altering the story from the beginning -- no offense. You put them in a historical situation in which they meet a historical main character before he was cut up by Obi. You put them in a situation in which they could rescue more Padawan than historically documented.

What did you expect? You should realize dropping them there would have altered the game. Again no offense but this is a critical moment. It's a GREAT point to drop themin though, great action like the beginning of all Star Wars-- they meet the enemy as they are betrayed. They will be confused and scared and now threatened at every corner. Vader will not fail Palpatine-- he will kill your PCs-- at least his mentality. He will send every available resource to track your PCs and the kids. Obligation 100, Vader. Until they can convince you otherwise they have been covering their tracks -- little by little they could buy off that obligation, Vader. Remember- Anakin is just plain dumb loyal at this moment via movies-- he was ordered to kill kids...he did. Killing more is not a problem-- killing your PCS...not a problem.

I would have had the force move be seriously ineffective against Vader - like push him back a foot and he looked rather annoyed. Remember he's like-- super Saiyan at this moment in time.

NOW to fix your problem- it's placed them into a moment in time to change the story--GOOD...they are the heroes now...HOW can we win against such odds? Your or do not...there is no try. YOU have a great situation to create an awesome new universe for them where the movies WILL not influence their actions. Let them train...let them hide...let them be hunted...let them struggle...hell, let Vader capture one and try to turn him. YOU have so many possibilities with NO movie references or stories to rip off your PCs-- it sounds like a blast!!

Get those creative juices flowing! I'd suggest having them be tailed constantly until they figure out ways to slowly lose the trail than buy that obligation down. Than they can rest a little and make an aggressive push maybe...hell they could found the rebel alliance...So much Stuff!!!

In fact-- I'm place my PCs in a time where there is no GOOD NPCS like Luke and Han etc. they are the main characters - eventually I'll place them in a position to aid the rebel alliance and become the Luke hand and Leia of my version -- the heroes of Yavin.

I may have made the wrong impression by asking for advice. This is my 3rd run through of such a scenario. I ran the same thing in SAGA. I am ALWAYS prepared for ALT-Universe. That's why I run prequel games. I just wanted to see what others would think of. The PC has 5 willpower and 3 discipline with 2 FR. He made his MO check with 3 red, 2 purple, and 2 setback. Pulled a double triumph and despair with 2 success and 2 threat. I didn't put Vader at Max because i wanted to use inquisitor stats (the point of the beta). It worked out great and I have tons of creepy fun alt-U stuff, but I like these forums for feedback. Was I suprised that the murderhobos were willing to sacrifice themselves for the kids? Yep. But I had 4 hours worth of stuff ready if they did. I've GMd for over 15 years in SW.

Well I didn't mean to sound like a tool when I said my rant-- it sounds like a cool spot to be dropped in on at a start of a force user game. Sometimes I use narratives to show how strong someone is or how something may be so shocking or so quick that PCs can only react in horror or shock. In this case I probably would have narrated the push and Vader being so powerful to a new character/Padawan that his clothes would have just rippled and he would have maybe force pushed the group into the lift out of rage not thinking where he push would have ended them up.

I also thought about; if this is an alt universe of all main characters or touchable or untouchable at the beginning. Touchable than ran it the way you ran it...untouchable would have run with only a glimpse of Vader in the distance waylaying kids and teachers while the 501st shielded his advanced laying down covering fire -- basically narrating the fact the PCS should NOT go anywhere near this mass of death.

But those are my opinions of course. I still think your story sounds cool.

The terror was fun to work with. They all expected to die and were kind of suprised that I would end it so quickly, but I played up Anakin's overconfidence here instead of when facing Obi-Wan (which is why he didn't "try the high ground" and ended up beating Kenobi later). Giving this Player this "moment" was important because it showed real character growth for him in Role-Playing. Vader won't be so careless next time.

The previous time I ran this the PCs ended up moving from Force Tradition to Force Tradition picking up Saga Force Powers that most Jedi would never have known. The players loved it, but I have the problem of this new Force Power System. What do I require a Master for? In the Beta a Master gets you 5xp off a basic power. That's not that big a deal. Do I just say that they can't learn control upgrades without someone teaching them or is that just something that the system doesn't support well? Perhaps limit powers to those found in AOR and EotE and then option the basic FaD as from other traditions?

Mechanically there is nothing keeping the players from spending XP and gaining powers. I know a number of GMs and Players, however, who only pick up basic powers or upgrades if they've been instructed or similar. So I'd say if you want to keep a handle on what they learn, set some kind of rule up in/near the beginning.

I would ask your players what they think. Do they want to follow a similar role of finding masters to teach them those techniques? or maybe they have instructions/holocron/whatever, or are learning as they go; practicing in their off-time.

I would ask your players what they think. Do they want to follow a similar role of finding masters to teach them those techniques? or maybe they have instructions/holocron/whatever, or are learning as they go; practicing in their off-time.

I will discuss it with them. This is their story too. Thanks for the suggestions all.

The terror was fun to work with. They all expected to die and were kind of suprised that I would end it so quickly, but I played up Anakin's overconfidence here instead of when facing Obi-Wan (which is why he didn't "try the high ground" and ended up beating Kenobi later). Giving this Player this "moment" was important because it showed real character growth for him in Role-Playing. Vader won't be so careless next time.

The previous time I ran this the PCs ended up moving from Force Tradition to Force Tradition picking up Saga Force Powers that most Jedi would never have known. The players loved it, but I have the problem of this new Force Power System. What do I require a Master for? In the Beta a Master gets you 5xp off a basic power. That's not that big a deal. Do I just say that they can't learn control upgrades without someone teaching them or is that just something that the system doesn't support well? Perhaps limit powers to those found in AOR and EotE and then option the basic FaD as from other traditions?

What I'm currently doing is (as I got players who invest in the lore skill):

1.) At character creation they can learn powers as they like

2.) During game play they can grow their force powers a bit and even learn af ew new ones (depending on if its logical....for example foretelling teh future does not necessarily need a master to be teached)

3.) For all other powers and also power growth after a specific point an (ever difficulty increasing) lore roll is necessary to scrape the necessary knowledge together. Aside from that investigations into jedi relics and informations can be done (ex. Holocrons, crypts,...) to easen the roll. IF it succeeds then they are able to learn if not.......funny things can happen. IF they find someone who teaches them (aka who knows the power) then no roll is necessary at all

Usually my first advice with Alt-universe is "don't go crazy". Try and change the minimum amount of this possible to create the effect your going for, and let everything else fall into place.
