I would greatly appreciate some theorycrafting from the fine people on these forums.
In my new FnD Beta Game I had the Players (Padawans) escape from the Jedi Temple during the raid by the 501st and Vader. They rounded up the younglings (from the movie) and ran for it. This was just the intro so I didn't plan on too much trouble for them getting out. During a climactic moment I expected them to have to leave the younglings in the tower as Vader was there. Instead the Force-Heaviest PC tried to sacrifice himself in order to buy them enough time. He pulled a very impressive move object and got a Triumph and a Despair. I described it as both Vader and him flying backwards (Vader down the hall a bit, and him into the wall of the Turbolift "Did I win?"). Due to Vader's pride he instantly got a 5 obligation (Nemesis-Darth Vader) but it was just enough to get the younglings aboard the lift... and away from canon. Due to Vader NOT killing the younglings, it altered some of what went down afterward. I had Anakin/Vader win the fight with Obi-Wan and then grab Padme and fly off to the Emperor to "save her". Leaving R2 with his ship. The PCs met with Yoda and he sent them to retrieve Obi-Wan's lightsaber (as it contains important information hidden in a chip inside it's hilt). They found it an picked up R2D2.
Here is where I need some theories. What about the Star Wars universe would make this fun to alter?
Vader is not more machine now, than man. Still twisted and evil though (Maybe not as much though, no killing of children?)
Padme may or may not be dead. If she is dead, Vader could be keeping her remains in Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center. She could be reconstructed all cybernetic (Lady Vader?), She could be some kind of Sith Zombie where Anakin loves on her chained up corpse in a gruesome mockery of a relationship while he tries to figure out what went wrong. What if he had the Emperor Clone Padme so that the twins had a mother, but since the clone isn't the real Padme he treats her poorly (and she doesn't understand why)?
What of Anakin's plan to overthrow the Emperor?
Thank you for ANY help and advice. Alt-Universe campaigns can be really fun, but this switch up has some really big implications!