I lost in the finals.
gg everyone.
So after about a month of playing UFS, I thought it would be fun to enter into the Lubbock Regionals. I had previously missed out on the Dallas ones a month prior, due to the fact that I had just started and I did not want to get my sakura starter deck beat over and over; but that is besides the fact. On to the report.
Round 1:
Me vs Shelby – Seong Mi-Na vs Fio... or so I thought. Shelby was really cool and kept assuring me that no matter what happened at the regionals, the main idea was to have fun; but wait pools have been changed, so instead of playing the Shelby, all of our matches got changed.
Round 1:
Me vs Joesph – Seong Mi-Na vs Jon Herr – I wasn’t particularly worried about his abilities and just began the match the same as any other match, trying to spinta loop. Sadly, I was reduced to 1 damage over and over via Rejection and he pulled out a reversal Feline Spike twice on me. I lose game 1. Game 2, started off the same with Spinta loop and I had him against the ropes, until he played a Feline spike and barely got it off with Soul of Ling-Sheng Su and completely tapped himself out, but of course it killed me and gave him the set.
0-1 Not starting off too hot, thinking this is a waste of my time going to play against these guys who have been playing forever and me a month. Was ready to call it a day and go to the bars and start drinking.
Round 2:
Me vs Brandon – Seong Mi-Na vs Hanzo – As soon as I saw his deck, I thought ‘great, how the hell am I supposed to beat this crap.’ I’ve played a Hanzo kick locally and it beat me pretty bad because of my small hand size and I always over extend turn 1 to get out my foundations to pay for Spinta loops, but I figured I should hold on to a block, but of course I didn’t game one and got blasted to 11 hp and LOW AND BEHOLD HE ROLLED A FRIGGIN FELINE SPIKE! SAVED!!!!!!! GLORIOUS! Now it was my turn to return the favor. Spinta’d him and and ended it off with double Kuzurya Reppa for the win. Thank you Hanzo and your crappy life. Game 2... I frigging lost turn 2 to kick loop, hoping that he could roll another Feline Spike, I stuck it out, well he didn’t. Game 3, I was pretty sure I was going to lose, but I went balls out and just played Spinta, picked it up Kuzurya Reppa, and played Spinta for win t2 hoping I would check everything with only 2 foundations out. Luckily, I did and won Game 3 before he could get that nasty loop out.
1-1 My first win at a tournament for UFS. Felt pretty nice. Brandon was a hiliarious guy and I couldn’t stop laughing when I was playing him. Great matches and I hope to hang out with you again bro.
Round 3:
Me vs Some Guy(Sorry I forgot your name, all I remembered was you kept cursing at me) – Seong Mi-Na vs Cammy – I never seen a Cammy deck before, but then again I’ve only been playing for a month, so there was a lot of things I hadn’t seen before. Game 1, he went first and I kinda scouted to see what his deck was all about, and he laid out Gief support and a buncha life gain foundations out there. I figured if he was a stall/regen deck, no problem for me and proceeded to lay down 5 cards and let him build up his staging area with a buncha life regen. About turn 4 I got 2 forethoughts out and thought it was time to start clearing his staging area. I looped 3 times and picked i tup with Mi-Na and Tenacious and his staging area was already starting to look bare. Then the cursing began, lol. He tried to play a card, I BRT’d it. He cursed. He played another, I BRT’d it. Cursed again. For whatever reason, he ended his turn with no cards being played. But I didnt want to argue with him. My turn again, I decide to finish clearing his card pool with Spinta and low and behold drew another Forethought and played it. His pool was now empty and I had 3 Forethoughts out. Needless to say, he was pretty pissed when he kept trying to play a card and got -6 every check, but he decided to play it out till I finally killed him with a Reppa. Game 2 didn’t go so well for him either, he started of SLOW with only 2 foundations turn1 and I with 4 turn 1. So he started to let out a fury of curse words when he said 2 BRT’s on my side. Needless to say, I ended it quickly with Reppa, pick up Reppa for 18 dmg turn 2. He plays some foundations that helped him regen life, I BRT them and he ends up getting through a Schoolgirl Innocence and ends his turn. My turn, I Spinta him twice and end off with another Reppa for game. I tried to shake his hand, but he was busy cursing that I didn’t let him play a card and he walked off.
2-1 I was feeling pretty good about myself now that I was up, but was still worried I’d miss top 8. With one round left, I had to win at all cost to move myself up the rankings.
Round 4:
Me vs Kevin – Seong Mi-Na vs Rock Howard – DANGIT! I DID NOT WANT TO PLAY MY FRIEND FROM OUR PLAY GROUP. WTF MATE! This was a bitter sweet match up. If I won, I would go to top 8 and he wouldn’t and vice versa. Sure I wanted my friend to be there with me, but as fate would have it, it was not... going to have it? So onto Game 1. I’ve played this deck hundreds of times, so I knew his Spinta-ing could not keep up with mine. And I was right. I pulled up early Spintas to get rid of pesky Chester’s and Olcadan’s and loaded my side up with Forethoughts. It was over before it started. He couldnt get anything off, BUT an Olcadan’s and we were all laughing. We ended the first game and then moved on to Game 2. This game... was prolonged by Kevin... he knew he was going to lose, so instead of just taking a loss, he decided it would be funny to read ALL of my cards and see what they did, so I let him. Then, he moved to my discard pile, then his, then back to my staging area. DANGIT KEVIN! We decided after 10 minutes of laughing or so to just call it and give me the win.
3-1 I was crossing my fingers that some of the top players would lose so everyone with a 3-1 could make it in. And hoping that my friends from my play group could some how manage to sqeeze in with 2-2 records. Unfortanately, the latter did not happen.
Game 1:
I get paired up with Joesph again. My one loss of the day and I was ready to pay him back. I held no bars back and just hit him with early spinta loops T2 to clear his pool so no spikes could be checked. He tried to reversal me twice, but failed to check them through. I took both game one and two pretty decisively.
Game 2:
I was praying not to get Akuma or Shelby, since he was still undefeated I believe at that time. I just wanted some how to make it to the final table to get some free goodies. Finally, the pairings were done Top 4, I had to play against Sarah running her Astrid. I’ve played an Astrid before locally, so I was semi-expecting the same thing, but I won’t lie, I hate Astrid and all of her reversal cheapies that hit you for tons of damage. Sarah went out with guns blazing and hit me T1 for some damage to build up momentum I’d assume and proceeded to lay her foundations. I played mine and a few turns passed with no Spinta’s in my hand, I started to panic. Her staging area kept getting more and more full of damage pump foundations and FINALLY I yanked a Spinta and started to loop her about T5. THANK GOD. I got so lucky she didn’t blast me the turn before. I clear out all her damage pumps this turn, thanks to Mi-Na and Tenacious and next turn she realizes she made a mistake letting me live this long and tries to correct it by attacking quickly. Sadly, it was all but over for her, since I had 3 BRT’s out and 2 Forethoughts. She couldn’t check anything in and I had a Spinta in my hand and one in my Momentum. It was over. The second match ended the same with me playing Spinta’s earlier and just keeping her locked down with Forethoughts.
Good match Sarah, and gratz on making top 4! I guess I got lucky that you didn’t know which card in my staging area to commit with pommel and you left Mi-Na open for me to loop Spintas for game, but in the end was a fun match and I had to keep those blocks in my hand!
My match ended quickly, so I got to check out the other two guys playing. Akuma and Fio, and I’ll be honest, I wanted to play Fio more than I did akuma, and Shelby was a pretty friendly guy, so maybe he would’ve let me win? LOL. Just maybe. Luck did not happen to partake in my cheering for Shelby(sorry Sage
), so I was faced with Sage and his nasty Akuma off of... Void? WTF?
Match 1: This was a scouting match, I was locked down by turn 3 and prolonged it to turn 8 just so I could see all of his cards and what he was doing with them. I decided to scoop and move on to the second match after seeing all of his cards. Now this is where things got interesting, about turn 6 or so, he tried to lock me down, so he commited himself out and went for Juni’s after a Heel Snipe and I got a lucky block in and he was not happy about that. And I destroyed my Assassination Art’s to commit that pesky Akuma and went for the kill. He had no cards in hand, no hope to live, but me checking bad. I play Reppa pickup Reppa for 7, got a 6 and commited Mi-Na. Oh GLORIOUS. I take Match 2. NOW ON TO THE LONGEST MATCH EVER. Match 3.
We both had our games to scout each others deck THROUGHLY now. I get off a few early Spintas, but he shrugs them off with No Memories and continues to lock me down with Juni’s. About turn 10 or so, he is commited out and so am I, but 2 cards, Makia High Noble and Seong Mi-Na. He had no cards in and and akuma was commited. He knew what happened last time when he was in this situation. I played Spinta, got it, and here was my downfall. Because I knew he was going to get rid of my last readied foundation, but I needed it in my momentum so I could Reppa for game. I did the math in my head, I could Spinta one more time then Reppa needing a 6 check and commiting Mi-Na for game. I thought I had it. I play Spinta one more time. Fails. I rolled my last Spinta in my deck. All I needed was a 5 check. My next check for laughs sake was a six. I would’ve gotten Reppa off. And just to get another kick, I checked my next card, ANOTHER FRIGGIN 6... so if I would’ve burned ONE card, I would’ve drawn that pesky last Spinta and won the Finals. But alias, this is a card game, and one can not win with lady luck all the time. I congratulate Sage and grabbed my goodies and off to the bars to drink!
Overall, it was a fun experience meeting everyone. The Dallas Crew was really fun and Wakeen is a very animated guy when he plays. I was more distracted by his playing style than anything! O_O Shelby, you’re a cool guy, sucks that we never got to play. Sage... oh sage... I hate you. I was glad to be able to make it so far in my first tourny in UFS and hopefully, it won’t be the last. Congrats to everyone showing up and see you at Worlds, HOPEFULLY!