What does a habblock look like?

By cypherx32, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

It's probably a silly question, but I picture them looking like a bunch of boxy looking buildings huddled and stacked together. Although if I'm wrong I'd like to know. I'm getting ready for the next adventure.

Always thought it was one gigantic tenement. A single solid block of appartments myself. However the. Term seems to be usrd as any, roughly city block sized, residential zone in a hive.

Honestly since the Imperium calls just about anything people live in "habblocks" while the creators of the game may have had something in mind they never pictured it so we're down to "whatever works" and personal opinion.

Ok thanks.

Yeah - I'd say both Judge Dredd movies give a pretty good impression, although of course the exact building style would vary from world to world. Some will be more high than wide, others more wide than high, some will look more gothic with coloured windows and stone aquilas, others will look more industrial because they're part of a pre-Imperial Hive... in the end, the detail of style will be largely left to your interpretation, and what sort of atmosphere you want to evoke.



Edited by Lynata

Very helpful. I just finished running shattered hope and now I'm reading up on edge of darkness. Last week I taught my son the basics of the game and he liked it so much that he wanted to continue. So it became an impromptu first game session. It's my first time GM'ing so I'd like to have as much info as I can. I'm still not sure how folks pronounce the 40k equivalent of surgeon.

"Medicae"? Yeah, me neither ... although that's really just a term made up by FFG, or possibly some Black Library author they felt inspired by because it sounds different . In GW's Codex: Imperial Guard, it was always just called "Medic".

But they can all have their place. Surgeon, Hospitaller, Apothecary, Mender, Doctor, ... there's probably a thousand different terms for this role, all depending on which world or in which organisation you're asking for the doc. :) 40k as a setting comes with a ton of artistic licence, which can be a curse and a boon, depending on your perspective and expectations.

Good luck with your game/s! It's always particularly nice to see how a hobby such as this can be passed on to the next generation, especially in an era where most kids limit their experience of fun to videogames alone.

Edited by Lynata

"Medicae" is latin for "medical," and the latin pronunciation would be medi-cay: Medi as in medicine and cay as in a little island, with a hard c. Chirurgeon is a nice archaic word for surgeon too, and is pronounced ky-rer-geon, ky as in kyte, rer rhyming with the ger from anger, and geon as in surgeon.

Lynata-Yeah the idea of doing whatever you want and playing pretend really appealed to him. It's like when I was a child and read some of the dnd and Star Wars 1st ed rules. Since I was big on board games I thought these are the greatest board games ever. Only thing is as a child I didn't get the idea of what an RPG was. I thought they were incomplete games because there was no board and little figures. He like me still love video games.lol I'm just glad we can spend quality time together.

Lupa- Thanks for the clarification. For years I'd seen both words in the literature and I was never sure how to pronounce both of them.

The following picture I found on deviantart.com (just follow the picture adress). It helped my players a lot to envision a hive section further below where the living space is basically build up against the wall of massive "sockets" that hold the hive above.

The second one is rather a "block tower" one might find in JudeDredd fiction. But have enough of them clustered in one district, all together supporting a ceiling above them might do the trick, too.



Edited by Gregorius21778

Those are great finds. I'll be using them tommorow including the pics posted by Lynata. Keep'em coming