Heavy Armor and Arty

By mojo114, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters

Good morning everyone

I'm a relatively new gm as well has to the war hammer 40k universe. I've read battle fleet koronus and understand what they have there for large scale combat rules. Does anyone have a list of tanks, apcs,arty and attack craft with weapons, armor movement etc that I can incorporate into the game to add more spice for my players?

Thanks everyone.

Right here!

Those are your primary combat vehicles. Depending on who's fluff you use, the Rhino might also be in common usage. (They keep flipping from super-common to super-rare depending on writer) A few industrial worlds, particularly ones that were colonized pre-great-crusade might have other tanks or variant vehicles, but they are unlikely to spread beyond their particular world. You may also find yourself in need of filling in a few gaps, particularly in the space-attack-craft arena.

For some awesome fan created material related to DH and RT, see Apocryphy_Vehicles at this link here . It was created by Rob Schwalb and DarthBane, and is a great reference when attempting to re-create additional vehicles.

Edit: Does the link above and the one in my signature block not work? I recall someone mentioning something about it, and hoped I had it corrected. If not you cannot view it, please let me know and I will attempt to rectify the issue.

Edited by Nameless2all

Also, it's probably worth checking out the Only War sourcebooks. They've got a fair spread of common Imperial Vehicles statted out, along with those of some of the more common enemy factions. Deathwatch: Rites of Battle also has some vehicles, though mostly Deathwatch/Astartes specific for the Imperial vehicles, though also the Warhound scout titan, along with Chaos and Tau vehicles.

Rogue Trader: Into the Storm has a selection of vehicles as well.

Thanks for the great sources and advice!!

I will definitely incorporate into my campaign. Has anyone set up a stream lined version of mass combat?

I will definitely incorporate into my campaign. Has anyone set up a stream lined version of mass combat?

Only War has. :)