First game yesterday, Questions today.

By derroehre, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

I had my first game of imperial assault yesterday and I have several questions:

  • When you play the Tutorial mission with two heroes, do they really get the legendary upgrade AND fight against less opponents?

Because then there are two heroes with 2 activations each and 20 HP against one unit of stormtroopers and a lieutenant...and that seems very one sided.

  • How much threat do I gain each round?
  • And what can I deploy/spawn (in the tutorial game)?
  • Just stormtroopers and lieutenants? As many as I want or just those already dead?
  • Also I read about reinforcing existing does this work?

So, thanks a lot in advance, the ffg forums have always been very helpful. I'm at work right now, so I don't have the books with me. I was just thinking about these questions and am to giddy after finally receiving my copy of the game (**** you, postal service) to wait till I come home.

Don't be overly concerned with the tutorial. I'd say just decrease the troops only. No threat and no deployments in the tutorial either. It's jsut a session to get movement and attacking/power usage figured out.


1: In the campaign you ge threat at the end of each round equal to the threat level of the mission, which that number is located on the Campaign Tracker sheet.

2 and 3: Nothing really like I said just use that mission to teach yourself movement etc.

4: say they killed 2 of three troopers this turn since I can't redeploy a not dead unit, I instead only pay 4 and respawn two of them on the deployment point etc.

You always start at 0 threat, some missions then say give yourself twice the current threat level at the begining and do an optional deployment, which can be nothing so you bank that threat for future use. Also if they take an ally you get it's deployment cost in threat at the beginning also. (I screwed that one up with Chewie since first side mission, thats a free AT-ST first turn every mission I didn't get, lol)

Rember the Tutorial uses a stripped down rules set.

1.Fairly sure the answer is no, they get neither, just stock hero's no bonuses at all, they just get fewer opponents. (Specified in the campaign guide mission occasionally modified by the mission)

2. None, this part of the status phase does not exist in tutorial. (When it happens this is specified in the mission.)

3. Nothing, you have no threat and this part does not happen in the status phase of the tutorial. (again any non unique deployment cards that have been defeated or any open deployment groups, open groups are chosen in setup from your deployment cards and allow and generic cards plus any uniques you have earned, uniques can be earned permanently or as a one off) )

4. See 3

5. Again not in the tutorial, but this any group that has suffered losses but not wiped out can pay the reinforcement cost per model to have that model deployed to a green deployment zone.