Ship Construction.

By Father Gabe, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

Lets see if I can make some sense for you all with my question: when constructing a ship I was a bit confused on an issue.

My players have 30 PF 60 SP (if I remember off hand). They want to buy a ship that has an SP of 55. Does that mean they can only afford up to five other components with the remaining +5 SP? The reason for my confusion is as I look through the components in the main RT book, some components have a SP +1 some just say SP 1, do those both cost SP 1 or are they different in some way?

Now I am confused. From where did they get the pre-existing 60SP, and how does the SP of the new ship have any relevance? SP is generally only for ship creation at the beginning of the game, or a rough indicator of component value.

Are you at character generation ?

If yes, then, indeed, they can choose a hull worth 55 SP, and can get additionnal components of up to 5 SP, grand total 60 SP.

A 1 or +1 means that getting this component use 1 ( or the indicated amount) SP to obtain. Some components have no SP costs, but be aware you'll have to be sure your ship has enough space and pwoer to accomodate them.

If you are not a char gen, then, use the ad hoc side bar in the DCorebook, o if you wish, the details added to the process in battlefleet Koronus.

Thanks Mordechai. I was speaking towards character creation moment. I wanted to make sure that we did it correctly, even though we've been playing for 2 months. Is there any difference between the 1 or +1; or is that a typo of some sort?


...Huh. I was under the impression that a +1 meant that that component gave SP instead of costing SP. All the +1s are tied to Essential Components across the books, from what I can see. Not sure if that makes a difference.

Well, considering the +1 SP versions are all better then the 0 versions, I'm going to go with costing. I think it's listed as +1 because it's normally "included" in the basic hull cost. So a hull with one of them is instead Hull+1.

Nope.Just a minor difference in how they're noted.

Do you honestly think you gain 2 extra SP for installing a Warpsbane hull rather than a normal gellar field?

Edited by Spatulaodoom

That makes sense, though I would be careful with the word "better" as it is subjective by definition. Of course, the aptly dubbed "+1" Components almost always have an additional mechanic or two that set them apart from their more vanilla counterparts. The SP cost seems to replace the increased Space or Power costs on similar "0" Components.

Gotta say, that whole 1 or +1 is pretty confusing. Don't know if anyone at FFG will respond to email or posting but I will try. For now I am just going that it adds 1 and its a typo.

It's not confusing at all. It means the exact same thing.

If you have to have some reason for the differentiation, you can say this "Essential components are listed as +1 or +2 or whatever because they're + over the base cost of the Essential component. You're required to put something in there, these particular items are + whatever over the cheapest versions, which are 0 cost. And supplemental components (weapons, cargo holds, augmentations and enhancements, and additional facilities) all have a cost (almost) so they don't feel the need to put the plus."

If the +1s were actually a typo, then would they not have been corrected for the Errata onward instead of echoing down the RT line? I do follow that "0+1" logic, but I somehow feel that such logic is almost farfetched.

So then you expect someone installing a warpsbane hull should get 2 extra ship points to spend on other stuff?

Honestly it's just a typo. Two different people put some work together and used different notation. Someone didn't double check it. It happens.

Edited by Spatulaodoom

Fair enough. Regardless, I am still leaving it at it costs 1 (or 2) not matter what. If it is a typo, then it is a big one as it happens in several supplement books. I still intend to to find out what the designers were attempting to do there. It seems to me that there is a reason for the (+) sign being/not being there is all. Now it's a matter of curiosity.

Here is the word from the designers, making me wish other game companies would be as prompt. This answer is in line with what a few said, which I already accepted, this was just nice to have an official clarification. Thanks again community for helping.

Both “1” and “+1" signify that installing the listed Component costs 1 Ship Point (SP). However, there is a difference between 1 and +1, albeit a subtle one:
1 indicates that the Component takes up 1 SP on the ship.
+1 indicates that a Component of this type would normally not require SP (because it is an Essential Component, usually), but the individual example is larger than most Components of its type and thus does require 1 SP to install.
I hope that this helps!

Max Brooke