[World Building] Would anyone be interested? (RT edition)

By SirRunOn, in Rogue Trader

*scratches his head*

Well, this version is too rough and WAY too big to put anywhere else so I'll just link to it.

The Full Map of Abidel Sector

Just watch out for the long download time. It's a bugger.

Edited by SirRunOn

Top Quality Content!

I was about to give up getting here again. No note as to why IE can't log onto the forums anymore?

Gawd... this next part is taking a LONG time. You wouldn't know unless you've tried it... ouch ouch ouch ouch.

Edit: Back with IE and new info on Iconic Species hidden in the list!

Rolls and meanings for Ristani Systems.
Redacted Zone:
Warp Stasis: Death Effect
Stellar Anomaly: Brown Dwarf with Solid Crust
9: Anomalous
Special: Imperial Research stations on north and south pole (anti-grav plates)
Inner 1
Planet Large Burning, Normal Gravity, Heavy Deadly Atmosphere
Prime 7
Planet Vast Temperate, High Gravity, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere
The Wrecker's Belt
{Starship Graveyard Fleet Engagement
Starship Graveyard Fleet Engagement
Starship Graveyard Plundered Convoy
Starship Graveyard Skirmish}
Planet Vast Temperate, High Gravity, Lesser Moon, Thin Corrosive Atmosphere
Starship Graveyard Fleet Engagement
Outer 4
Massive Gas Giant, Powerful Gravity, 3 Moon, 5 Lesser Moon, 4 Dust Ring
Lesser, Ring, Ring, Ring, Moon, Moon, Ring, Lesser, Lesser, Moon, Lesser, Lesser
Moon1: Cold Low Mass, Low Gravity, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Life Form: Beyond Challege Behemoth, Primitive Clan Xenos
Moon2: Small Ice, Low Gravity, No Atmosphere
Moon3: Vast Cold, Normal Gravity, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere
Starship Graveyard Unknown Provenance
Gravity Riptide
Planet Large Ice, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon, Moderate Pure Atmosphere
Warp Stasis: Death Effect
Ill-Omened: Divine at your own Risk!
Bountiful: Extra Asteroids
Stellar Anomaly
1: Mighty and blue yet vast areas of black play over its surface.
Inner 6
Solar Flares x2
Planet Burning Low-Mass, Low Gravity, Moon, No Atmosphere
Moon: Hot Low-Mass, Low Gravity, No Atmosphere
Asteroid Cluster
Asteroid Belt
Planet Vast Burning, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere
Gravity Riptide
Primary 2
Asteroid Belt
Planet Large-Dense Temperate, High Gravity, Lesser Moon, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere
Planet Cold Vast, High Gravity, Lesser Moon, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Limited Eco
Outer 5
Gravity Riptide
Planet Large Ice, Normal Gravity, Heavy Deadly Atmosphere
Planet Small-Dense Ice, Normal Gravity, Thin Toxic Atmosphere
Asteroid Cluster
Derelict Necron Monitor Station
Gas Dwarf, Weak Gravity, Lesser Moon
Warp Stasis: Death Effect
Gravity Tides: 4 Tides
Ruined Empire: Eldar Ruins
Haven: Extra Planets
8: Dull
Inner 4
Asteroid Cluster
Gravity Riptide
Asteroid Cluster
Gravity Riptide
Radiation Bursts
Planet Vast Burning, High Gravity, Moon, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Trapped Water
Moon: Small Burning, Normal Gravity, Thin Deadly Atmosphere
Xenos Ruins: Eldar
Primary 5
Asteroid Belt
Planet Small Hot, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon x2, Thin Tainted Atmosphere, Trapped water
Asteroid Cluster
Derelict Eldar Orrery Station
Gravity Riptide
Outer 6
Massive Gas Giant, Titanic Gravity, Moon x4, Lesser Moon x4, Planetary Rings(Dust)x2
Moon, Lesser, Lesser, Moon, Ring, Ring, Lesser, Moon, Moon, Lesser
Moon1: Large/Dense Hot, High Gravity, Thin Pure Atmosphere, Trapped Water
Moon2: Large Hot, High Gravity, Heavy Pure Atmosphere, Liquid Water
Xenos Ruins: Eldar
Moon3: Large Temperate, Normal Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Wyrdwing Ptera-Beast, Kaudash Dragon
Xenos Ruins: Eldar
Moon4: Vast Cold, High Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Leviathan Behemoth, Weed Eater
Agri World, Vast Under Ice farms for Nutri-Plank
Name: Gamma Jimran IV
Gravity Riptide
Gravity Riptide
Asteroid Cluster
Asteroid Belt
Warp Stasis: Death Effect
Gravity Tides: Halve Time
Ruined Empire: Orkz
6: Luminous
Inner 3
Dust Cloud
Asteroid Cluster
Gravity Riptide
Prime: 2
Dust Cloud
Planet Large/Dense Hot, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon x2, Moon, Thin Tainted Atmosphere, Liquid Water
Xenos Ruins: Ork
Moon: Temperate Large, Normal Gravity, Heavy Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Hidden Death Venomous Terror
Xenos Ruins: Ork
Outer 4
Planet Small Cold, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon x2, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere
Starship Graveyard Crushed Defence Force
Massive Gas Giant, Powerful Gravity, Moon, Debris Ring, Moon
Moon1: Large Ice, Normal Gravity, Thin Tainted Atmosphere
Moon2: Large Ice, Low Gravity, No Atmosphere
Xenos Ruins: Ork
Gas Giant, Strong Gravity, Moon
Moon: Large Ice, Low Gravity, No Atmosphere
Warp Stasis: Death Effect
Bountiful: More Minerals on Planets
7: Luminous
Inner 1
Solar Flare
Primary 5
Derelict Haieht-Theam Monitor Station
Planet Small/Dense Burning, Low Gravity, Lesser Moon x2, Thin Pure Atmosphere, Trapped Water
Derelict Ork Rok
Asteroid Belt
Planet Large Cold, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon x3, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Agri-World. Seas support Nutri-Plank Farms, and Grox on land.
Name: Beta Odore
Planet Large Temperate, Low Gravity, Lesser Moon, Thin Corrosive Atmosphere
Outer 5
Massive Gas Giant, Titanic Gravity, Moon x4, Lesser Moon x5, Dust Ring x4
Moon, Lesser, Lesser, Dust Ring, Dust Ring, Dust Ring, Lesser, Moon, Dust Ring, Moon, Lesser, Lesser, Moon
Moon1: Small/Dense Hot, Normal Gravity, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere
Moon2: Small Temperate, Low Gravity, No Atmosphere
Moon3: Large Cold, Normal Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Liquid Water
Moon4: Vast Cold, High Gravity, Moderate Deadly Atmosphere
Starship Graveyard Plundered Convoy
Dust Cloud
Planet Small Ice, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon, Thin Pure Atmosphere
Planet Large-Dense Cold, High Gravity, Moon, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere
Moon: Large Cold, Normal Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Trapped Water
Edited by SirRunOn

Next Segment of Ristan.

Is anyone around? I suppose this might just be a bit too dry eh? There are some gems hidden here and there, but under a lot of info.

Edit: Made more sufficiently orky.

Rolls and meanings for Ristani Systems.

Ork Zone(Big Nob'z Own Rokz):
Warp Stasis: Death Effect
Haven: More Planets
Starfarers: Orkz
4: Vigorous
Inner 2
Gas Giant, Powerful Gravity, Lesser Moon x4, Moon x5
Lesser, Moon, Lesser, Moon, Moon, Moon, Lesser, Lesser, Moon
Moon1: Vast Temperate, High Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Skyless Flight Ptera-Beast
Orks Voidfarers
Name: Da Big Nob'z Ouse!
Moon2: Small Burning, Low Gravity, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere
Moon3: Large Hot, Normal Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere
Moon4: Large Burning, High Gravity, Thin Corrosive Atmosphere
Moon5: Large, Normal Gravity, Moderate Deadly Atmosphere
Dust Cloud
Planet Vast Burning, High Gravity, Lesser Moon x2, Moon, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere
Moon: Small/Dense Temperate, Normal Gravity, Thin Tainted Atmosphere, Limited Eco
Ork Mining Colony
Name: Diggarok(usually followed by, NO I MEAN DAT ONE!)
Prime 4
Asteroid Belt
Planet Low-Mass Burning, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon, No Atmosphere
Asteroid Belt
Derelict Ork Rok
Name: Oi! I can make wun bigga!
Planet Large Temperate, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Adapted Shadowed Stalker
Orks Voidfarers
Name: Fanzyrot
Outer 3
Gas Dwarf, Weak Gravity, 5, Dust Ring x3, Moon, Lesser Moon
Dust Ring, Moon, Lesser Moon, Dust Ring, Dust Ring
Moon: Small/Dense Cold, Normal Gravity, Heavy Pure Atmosphere, Limited Eco
Orks Voidfarers
Name: Big Nob'z Mek Shop
Derelict Ork Rok
Name: No! Not DAT BUTTON!
Asteroid Cluster
Asteroid Cluster
Warp Stasis: Death Effect
Stellar Anomaly: Blue-Green Supergiant
Spacefarers: More Orkz
9: Anomalous
Inner 5
Asteroid Cluster
Dust Cloud
Planet Small Temperate, Normal Gravity, Moon, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Living Arsenal Apex Predator
Moon: Small Hot, Low Gravity, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Liquid Water
Gravity Riptide
Radiation Bursts
Prime 3
Asteroid Belt
Asteroid Cluster
Planet Vast Temperate, High Gravity, Lesser Moon, Moon, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Limited Eco
Orks Voidfarers
Name: Da Betta Ouse!
Moon: Large Hot, Normal Gravity, Thin Pure Atmosphere, Trapped Water
Orks Voidfarers
Name: Da More Betta Ouse wut circles dat ol' Ouse!
Outer 2
Starship Graveyard - Skirmish
Planet Small Ice, Low Gravity, Moon, No Atmosphere
Moon: Small Cold, Low Gravity, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere
Warp Stasis: Death Effect
Pirate Den: Orkz with Station
Ill-Omened: -10 Willpower
Ruined Empire: Undiscovered Species
Starfarers: Orkz Orkz Orkz
10: Binary, Luminous x2
Inner 1
Radiation Bursts
Primary 3
Planet Large Cold, High Gravity, Moon, Moderate Corrosive Atmosphere
Ruined Empire
Moon: Large Hot, Normal Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Limited Eco
Ruined Empire
Orkz Advanced Industry
Name: Dey sayd Smashrok! So we did! Oopz...
Planet Small/Dense Cold, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Ruined Empire
Iconic Species: Vanishing Shadowed Stalker, Fieskinde
Orkz Voidfarers
Name: StompSpook
Derelict Xenos Defence Station
Name: AlmozDun
Asteroid Belt
Outer 3
Dust Cloud
Asteroid Belt
Asteroid Cluster
Warp Stasis: Death Effect
Pirate Den: Orkz With Spayse Staeshun
Ruined Empire: Undiscovered Species
Starfarers: Even Orkz iz sensin a trend
2: Vigorous
Inner 4
Radiation Bursts
Planet Large Temperate, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon, Moon, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Species: Impossible Ptera Beast
Ruined Empire
Orkz Advanced Industry
Name: WoildRide
Moon: Small/Dense Hot, Low Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Species: Vanishing Shadowed Stalker, Fieskinde
Ruined Empire
Asteroid Cluster
Solar Flares
Primary 4
Planet Vast Temperate, High Gravity, Moon x2, Lesser moon, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Trapped Water
Moon, Lesser Moon, Moon
Moon1: Vast Temperate, Normal Gravity, Moderate Deadly Atmosphere
Ruined Empire
Moon2: Large/Dense Cold, Normal Gravity, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Ruined Empire
Iconic Species: Vanishing Shadowed Stalker, Fieskinde
Orkz Voidfarers
Name: FusGitzStink
Planet Vast Cold, High Gravity, Moon, Moderate Corrosive Atmosphere
Moon: Small/Dense Temperate, Normal Gravity, Thin Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Species: Wyrdwing Ptera-Beast
Orkz Colony
Name: Wotwingz
Gravity Riptide
Planet Large Temperate, Normal Gravity, Moon, Heavy Toxic Atmosphere
Moon: Low-Density Cold, Low Gravity, Thin Tainted Atmosphere, Liquid Water
Ruined Empire
Outer 5
Dust Cloud
Dust Cloud
Gas Dwarf, Weak Gravity, Lesser Moon x2, Dust Ring x2
Asteroid Belt
Asteroid Cluster
Edited by SirRunOn

Hey guys,

Went back and added some refinements to the previous charts. Hope it isn't all tl;dr eh?

Shouldn't take too much more.

Free Colonial Territories
Warp Stasis: Death Effect
Haven: More Planets
Bountiful: More Minerals in Asteroids
6: Luminous
Inner 2
Gas Dwarf, Weak Gravity, Moon
Moon: Small Hot, Normal Gravity, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Trapped Water
Derelict Pirate STC Defence Station
Starship Graveyard - Crushed Pirate Defence Force
Prime 5
Planet: Large Temperate, Normal Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Titanborn Behemoth, Worldshaker
Free Colonial Agri World
Name: Biauk biyu
Planet: Large/Dense Hot, High Gravity, Lesser Moon, Heavy Tainted Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Poisonous Presence Venomous Terror, Fog Rambler
Gravity Riptide
Gas Giant, Titanic Gravity, Debris Ring, Dust Ring x5, Lesser Moon x4, Moon x3
Dust Ring, Moon, Moon, Dust Ring, Dust Ring, Lesser Moon, Moon, Lesser Moon, Dust Ring, Lesser Moon, Dust Ring, Lesser Moon, Debris Ring
Moon1: Large Hot, Low Gravity, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Adapted Apex Predator, Talon Slasher
Moon2: Vast Temperate, Normal Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Unstoppable Behemoth, Grazer-Saur
Free Colonial Agri World
Name: Verdammt
Moon3: Large Hot, Low Gravity, Thin Tainted Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Chameleonic Shadowed Stalker, Inviso-Bug
Gravity Riptide
Planet: Large Temperate, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon, Moon, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Unstoppable Behemoth, Grotan Herds
Moon: Small Cold, Normal Gravity, Moderate Corrosive Atmosphere
Outer 5
Asteroid Cluster
Planet: Large Cold, High Gravity, Moon, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Cunning Stalker Apex Predator, Ice Bear
Moon: Small/Dense Ice, Normal Gravity, No Atmosphere
Derelict Free Colonial STC Monitor Station
Derelict Free Colonial STC Defence Station
Asteroid Belt
Asteroid Belt
Warp Stasis: Death Effect
Gravity Tides: Riptides x5
0: Binary, Mighty x2
Inner 4
Gravity Riptide
Radiation Burts
Planet: Small Burning, Low Gravity, Moon, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere
Moon: Small Burning, Low Gravity, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere
Dust Cloud
Solar Flares
Gravity Riptide
Primary 2
Planet: Small Temperate, Low Gravity, Thin Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Swift Flier Ptera-Beast, Shinewing
Free Colonial Civilized World with Orbital Dock Ring
Names: Upran, FCM-Naval Dock 1a379-Sigma
Gravity Riptide
Planet: Vast, Normal Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Limited Eco
Free Colonial Civilized World
Name: Viviente
Outer 5
Asteroid Cluster
Gravity Riptide
Dust Cloud
Asteroid Cluster
Gravity Riptide
Planet: Large Cold, High Gravity, Lesser Moon, Moon, Thin Pure Atmosphere, Liquid Water
Moon: Low-Density Ice, Low Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere
Asteroid Belt
Warp Stasis: Death Effect
Haven: More Planets
Ill-Omened: Just rumors
Bountiful: More Exotics on Planets
5: Luminous
Inner 2
Dust Cloud
Solar Flares
Planet: Vast Hot, High Gravity, Lesser Moon x3, Heavy Deadly Atmosphere
Prime 5
Gas Giant, Powerful Gravity, Dust Ring x2, Debris Ring x2, Lesser Moon x2, Moon x4
Dust Ring, Dust Ring, Lesser Moon, Lesser Moon, Debris Ring, Moon, Moon, Moon, Moon, Debris Ring
Moon1: Large Hot, Normal Gravity, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Limited Eco
Moon2: Vast Temperate, Normal Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Moon3: Vast Temperate, Normal Gravity, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Deadly Ambuser Shadowed Stalker, Whisperer
Moon4: Small Cold, Low Gravity, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Limited Eco
Planet: Large Temperate, Normal Gravity, Moon, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Earth Scorning Ptera Beast, Conner's Albatross
Free Colonial Frontier World
Name: Jivve
Moon: Low-Mass Ice, Low Gravity, No Atmosphere
Asteroid Belt
Gas Dwarf, Weak Gravity, Moon, Moon, Lesser Moon, Moon
Moon1: Small/Dense Temperate, Normal Gravity, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Living Arsenel Apex Predator, Blade Croc
Moon2: Large Temperate, Low-Gravity, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Limited Eco
Moon3: Vast Cold, High Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Limited Eco
Planet: Small Cold, Normal Gravity, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Beyond Challenge Behemoth, Glacier Crawler
Planet: Large/Dense Temperate, High Gravity, Moon, Heavy Pure Atmosphere, Verdant Eco
Iconic Creature: Delirium Bringer Venomous Terror, Mindkiller Fly
Moon: Small/Dense Cold, High Gravity, Thin Toxic Atmosphere
Outer 5
Planet: Large Ice, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere
Planet: Vast Ice, Normal Gravity, Lesser Moon, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere
Orbital Void Habitat and Space Dock
Name: Castelle Nova
Asteroid Belt
Dust Cloud
Dust Cloud

Sorry this is taking so long.

Just got back from a 40k tournament. Have nine boxes of Skitarii and necron models in the midst of painting and just finished a plasma obliterator building. Trying to wrap my head around a Godzilla fan novel I've got the first act done for and I'm just starting to help a friend flesh out a unique planet, social system, government and culture for a novel on an unrelated subject.

Also have a number of Homeworld Remastered maps to make for an online tournament after I and a number of others help the developers get their multiplayer code out of beta.

Gawd, now that I write it all down I realize I've never been so busy.