Cataclysm questions ?

By dianaversace1, in Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game

Is it possible to play Cataclysm with 4 neutral factions ?

is it possible to play Cataclysm with 4 players all play same faction ? {for example 4 different High Elves players}

with the poor weather outside we are going to play WI in couple of hrs and I was going to suggest we play Cataclysm with neutral factions

Yes to both questions. With the neutral factions, we house ruled that the neutral attachment card Paranoia has no effect vs. a unit on a neutral capital board. As far as 4 people play the same faction - sure it's possible, but why would you want to? Variety is the spice of life!

Variety is the spice of life! Sooooo True ;)

Excuse my intromision but as a player with questions regarding Cataclysm I´d rather post my inquiries within this thread than creating a new one.
Said that, Ï´ll get to the point:

I would like to know if Cataclysm and the original Draft Variant can be played together? My idea is basically to allow 4 players to play Draft variant but I´ve found no clues about this reading the rulebooks.

Thank you!

The draft variant never got any attention from an official side beyond the core set. I don't know many people who have used it with even just the core set, or found the effort worth it if they did, and with a bigger card pool it becomes more and more impractical (while deck building becomes more tempting, I'd say). But you can certainly try drafting multiplayer decks and see if it works for you.