Sheffield July events

By Speedsta, in UFS Uk Forum

Well, here they are:

World Warriors (part 2)
Saturday 11 July
Start Time: 11:00

Join us for our second World Warrriors tournament! All cards in your deck must be legal for standard format except your starting character and character-only cards which must be legal for legacy format. Cards legal for legacy format with character-only abilities may also be included in your deck provided that they have an ability which is only playable by your starting character. Prizes consist of exclusive promo cards only availlable in tournaments!
New & experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.

THE FOLLOWING CARDS ARE ALSO BANNED: Tira (set 1 promo), Nakoruru (promo), Yun-Seong (promo), K' (promo), Ukyo (set four promo), Tycho, Kasumi Suzaku.

UFS July 2009
Sunday 19 July
Start Time: 11:00

Join us for our July tournament! All cards in your deck must be legal for standard format. Prizes consist of exclusive promo cards only availlable in tournaments!
New & experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.

UFS July 2009 (PM)
Wednesday 22 July
Start Time: 19:00

Join us for our evening July tournament! All cards in your deck must be legal for standard format. Prizes consist of exclusive promo cards only availlable in tournaments!
New & experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.

Ladies' Night Out

Saturday 25 July
Start time: 11:00

Join us for our Ladies' Night Out tournament! All cards in your deck must be legal for standard format. All cards except ten must also feature a female on the artwork and your starting character must also either be female or be Dan. Prizes consist of exclusive promo cards only available in tournaments!
New & experienced players welcome, demos available in-store.


Depending on the release date, the Tekken prerelease may replace one ofthe standard format events, otherwise it will be held as a separate event.

If you have any questions, please post here or send me a PM.

- Ross

"Or be Dan"?

It's the hair. happy.gif

...and the Gi. And the taunts. And the expression. And everything else, come to think of it...... gran_risa.gif

Does everyone still go to Patriot on Wednesdays?

Most people do. Lloyd and Matt only normally come on tournament Wednesdays, everyone else is normally there. When were you thinking of coming?

Edit: Updated incorrect dates on main post.

-shrug- whenever I can be bothered/not busy/awake/have money for bus fare.. maybe this Wednesday..I'll let you know for definate 'cause I'm going to bring those cards with me.