[World building] Would anyone be interested?

By SirRunOn, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Would anyone be interested in a sector?

To elaborate, I've been involved with the background building of an Imperial sector since Battlefleet Gothic since the nineties. A Rogue Trader game I was running recently wandered into the area and a Dark Heresy campaign I'm working on is headed there too.

I have to flesh out one corner of the sector for DH, and some of it has already been done for RT. Since I'm on it anyway would anyone like it if I fleshed out the entire sector for general use? Sure I can't make every personality on every world, but I can get some of the important people and plot hooks for the systems. RT and DH would be more fleshed out, since every planet has people and an economy. DW and BC I have less experience with so I could probably only note factions and xenos/watch stations on certain worlds.

It's a lot of stuff to do. I might not make it through every system but I'll give it a shot. Is there any interest in the entire project though?

Thanks for reading,


How do you intend to prioritise background sources in case of conflicting accounts? I assume you're going with FFG's material?

Sounds quite interesting and quite an undertaking, I'd be more than interested to see what you come up with.

How do you intend to prioritise background sources in case of conflicting accounts? I assume you're going with FFG's material?

Well I would be doing Abidel Sector from its edge on Scarus in. Unless GW or FFG have eyes on that spot it shouldn't be a problem.

Well I would be doing Abidel Sector from its edge on Scarus in. Unless GW or FFG have eyes on that spot it shouldn't be a problem.

Oh, I didn't mean in regards to local peculiarities! Just stuff that readers may expect to conform to certain existing sources, like various intersector organisations or technological and (extra)physical descriptions. Sorry for not making myself clearer in the first place. :)

I don't yet know if I can find the time to contribute anything, but aside from existing obligations it would also depend on whether or not I'm familiar with the version of 40k you intend to support. More importantly, this is also a general recommendation to ensure that all participants in your project share a common ground and know from the start which sources to prioritise when contradictions between people's interpretations occur. Establishing your personal "studio guidelines", if you will. ;)

Edited by Lynata

I'll see about establishing guidelines when I can get all the formatting done and maps up and running.

I still haven't figured out how to make the current type of warp route FFG favors, that electrical arc route.

Other than that since a complete work would require local ships, personalities, etc can someone give me a hand with this.

BEHOLD Ordos Infinitas

lol, and rampant melodrama.

I just need someone to tell me how to put an "official" looking book background on that kind of thing.

^_^ oddly enough the ships are all from our BFG game... imagine that.

I LOVE worldbuilding and I LOVE custom stuff done by GMs and players, be it enemies, Chapters, characters or what else you've got. I can't say that I would use it for certain but I know that I download it and have a look and it, and use it as another sector where my players can raise hell, or prevent it.

So please do it and bring it out here!

Edited by Gurkhal

Ristan Sub so far.



Edited by SirRunOn

That is starting to become this.


And this part is starting to form up.


Looks very nice so far.

And Widow Sub so far. With added bonus that you can actually TELL why it's called Widow Sub.


This one just might go in Black Crusade too eh?

You know, that last line has me thinking. I have a few questions that it would help if I got some suggestions on.

One thread or five?

Four Deathwatch watch stations, and many unique xenos species. A major, stable, warp storm along with more than a dozen chaos controlled planets and a decade long Chaos invasion not thirty years past. Three or four major, hardly explored areas and unknown systems within even the established subsectors to exploit. Thriving trade between the imperium, imperial outliers, and even a non-imperial human civilization. A hundred different active war zones. Two subsectors fallen to insanity and heresy in equal measure. Five inquisitors left alive from the hundred or more originals, deploying acolytes and specially hidden agents of the Contra Mundum in a desperate battle to hold back the Paenonites and Dark Mechanics on Dinamo even as the two factions battle each other for supremacy. Great subsector fleets struggling against the Free Colonials on one side, the Frayed Ends of Sanity on the other as infighting drives them deeper into a corner and splinters of ancient Hive Fleet Orobouris wake in their midst.

And that's before specifics. I don't know whether to put it all in one place(and where would that be) or in all the Warhammer threads.

What areas should I focus on first? It's just too much to do all at once.

And I'm getting yelled at for holding things up here. Those will have to do for now.

So how does this look for a map of Hemlet?


Some Bestiary Stuff:




Things are coming along.

Looks nice. One question though, at the end of this, is there any chance that you'll collect the material into one or a few larger documents or should be copy and paste as the stuff comes along?

The plan is, once I get it all worked out, to make a single PDF out of it. Few of the maps are done and there's a lot of text information that goes with each map.

Most of the systems get small blurbs stating their economics for instance so that canny Rogue Traders know what to exploit. Only War gets warzone information. The list goes on. There's probably four or five pages of text to each map.

I still need to find page backgrounds. My Google-fu is weak. I know people have them from their handouts, but I don't know, honestly, how to pull a background from a PDF file.

I'm interested in helping out with this, what kind of thing are you looking for? At you assigning sections of work to volunteers? Just mail you stuff we've thought up for approval / rejection? I'm up for either, just showing interest :) PM me with info :D

Thanks a lot everyone for the interest.

I have two fellows today that need a once over. Need to see if I forgot anything, did something impossible or what have you. It'd be nice to see if people like this format too.


I know, a little hyooooge eh? Any smaller and it gets **** hard to read.


As I said before, these are guys from the big people list. The ones that would be a bit... large and in charge. Not necessarily combat capable, of course, but still.

Any thoughts on the characters would be appreciated.

The other characters:

Lord Admiral


Lord Militant


Inquisitor Mr. Miracle (No known ordo)


Cardinal Pro Tempore Tantelous


SirRunOn, can you write up descriptions instead of the character sheets? It's far more important to flesh out their biographies than their stat-lines.

That's the eventual plan. The follow through on that, however, will have to wait for the main pdf file.

The stat lines do hint at a few things in their backgrounds though.

It doesn't hint at enough to really comment on, though. =P