pre built pack / deck lists?

By alexbobspoons, in Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game

Im still awaiting my sets to arrive so this may be a stupid question... but id like to have my cards in A4 3x3 sleeves so i can browse through, read, choose and deckbuild.

But id also like to be able to re form the basic starter-type decks for basic newbie play.

So are there decklists online to do this? I know some deckbuild sites will list which cards come from core set etc but may not say how many cards in each deck. Also if generic cards go into a standard build (eg without "orc" written on them) it wouldnt be easy to tell. Itemised starter-decklists would be ideal.

Also, am i right in thinking there are 6 starter decks? 4x core plus 2x ulthuan and the other 4 races have their cards spread through sets but no constructed starter deck?

Thank you from an excited newbie

I wouldn't worry about the starter decks. You're not missing out on anything by not playing with them. If you don't want to truly deck build, that is change the deck(s) for each faction regularly and try new things, but want fixed decks, I'd look at some of the proposals at .

But if you want to be able to see what would go into starter decks, make an account at and set up your inventory. Then you can see how many copies of each card are in which set originally.

Edited by Mallumo

Thanks, i do plan to deck build but have some friends who would only want to play the game once or twice and with the most basic of mechanics/decks so i thought the starter decks would be ideal for that.

Ive not been ableto find starter deks on deckbox and as my sets are oming second-hand i have no guarantee that the cards from the starter decks won't be mixed in with the rest of the bundle. Thats why i thought a decklist would be helpful.

Thanks for the thoughts and reply Mallumo

The starter deck for each faction consists of all their cards in the core set plus some random neutrals from the core set. So if you look at the contents of a single core set on deckbox, you'll see which cards and how many of each will go into the decks, and from what pool of neutrals the rest will come.

Again though, these decks don't make for the best experience even if you want to keep it simple for your friends, because they're pretty random. It makes a huge difference if someone playing with the Empire starter deck draws the single copy of Judgment of Verena in it or not, for example. In the interest of keeping it simple, it might also be helpful to have fewer different cards in each deck, but three copies of each.

Thanks i didnt realise deckbox said how many of each and i thought some were singles and some triples ill go have a look thank you

Edit: Can see which cards but still not how many of each in starters from deckbox

Edited by alexbobspoons

Ah i can do it by importing product rather than just looking at sets thanks!

All Done :) core started decklists created and saved under me name in deckbox ifanyone ever needs them.

Thank you very much for the help :)

(sits back now to await postman with lots of cards)

Edited by alexbobspoons