Lieutenant Encounter in Tamalir

By KingFolko, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

RTL Question about a an encounter by Lieutenant Alric in the city of Tamalir: (first game of RTL for our group)

We (the heroes) just returned to Tamalir at the completion of a dungeon in Blind Mur Forest. After returning to Tamalir our turn immediately ends (we can't visit the town after dungeon completion - is how we play - is correct?). The turn goes to the OL who has Alric waiting on our doorstep. He moves Alric into Tamalir to encounter our group of heroes (which are in poor poor shape - potions are gone, health is weak).

What are the situations with the possible outcomes?

1) We kill alric, or make him flee, and win the encounter! Alric goes home (or to the graveyard) and we get the loot, we get that...

2) Alric kills all the heroes! That would mean we are returned to Tamalir... but we are already there...

3) Alric kills some, but at least one of the heroes Flee's. We get to move on, on our route.. which is in Tamalir...

It seems, since Alric will definately kick our asses, that we are sent to Tamalir... where we already are. What is the consequence of this OL victory for our turn?

If the OL finishes the encounter by kicking our asses, he wins the encounter, and besieges the city (I assume). In the OL turn we suffer a defeat, PLUS he gets a siege token? Then, in our turn, what can we the heroes do? Can we train first, cus we are in deep need of skills and dice... and then should we attack Alric.... can we move away from Tamalir and run from him?... can we train a turn, and be kicked again by Alric in the next turn of the OL?

Any help on the situation, and most definately some good advice for us the heroes, would be MOST welcome... we are lagging behind big time.. 115 for the OL against our 51.

A lieutenant needs a "move"-action to attack a party, so he cannot take a "siege-action" in the same turn. He has to choose if he wants to besiege the city or if he wants to attack the heroes. (You wrote that he has to move to Tamalir, so he wouldn't be able to take a siege-action in the same turn at all).

Conclusion: Tamalir won't get siege-tokens in the same turn.

If the lieutenant will beat the party, it will reappear in Tamalir, but it will lose its week-turn. In this case, the next week will start with the overlords turn and the lieutenant can take a new move-action to attack the heroes again or he can take a siege action to start besieging the city. He cannot do both.

If at least one of the heroes escapes from the fight, they won't lose their weeks turn. In both cases, they will simply be in the same location as the lieutenant, but there isn't any problem with that.

In the heroes turn, they can choose to take a move action in order to attack the lieutenant - doing so, they will be able to visit Tamalir before or after fighting the lieutenant (they will get "visit actions" in town).

OR the heroes take a train-action: In this case, they cannot attack the lieutenant (this would need a move-action), but they can take a full train-action in town.

The third possibility is simply to move away. But I recommend to chase this lieutenant away before doing so.

You say that your heroes are in need for some skills, so I would recommend to take a train action in town and to let the lieutenant attack you. Even if he beats you (take care that at least one hero will escape), the group will reappear with full health, and then you will be able to defeat him.

Let him attack you or let him besiege the town, prepare youself for the fight with some train actions in the meantime, and then beat him down.

Graf said:

In the heroes turn, they can choose to take a move action in order to attack the lieutenant - doing so, they will be able to visit Tamalir before or after fighting the lieutenant (they will get "visit actions" in town).

This was true, before the latest FAQ:

Q: If heroes are attacking a lieutenant in a town, can they "visit" the shops, etc. before encountering the lieutenant or only after battles have resolved?
A: Only after battles have ended.

Graf said:

If the lieutenant will beat the party, it will reappear in Tamalir, but it will lose its week-turn. In this case, the next week will start with the overlords turn and the lieutenant can take a new move-action to attack the heroes again or he can take a siege action to start besieging the city. He cannot do both.

If at least one of the heroes escapes from the fight, they won't lose their weeks turn. In both cases, they will simply be in the same location as the lieutenant, but there isn't any problem with that.

Questionable that the heros lose their turn, since their turn hadn´t even started. I seem to remember some discussion which said that the heros can only lose their week´s turn if they attack a Lt. and get TPKed.

If the party flees or the Lt gets TPK, then the heroes begin their week at Tamalir. They do not lose their turn, bu they can not train or visit tamalir until they defeat or run off the Lt. They could however choose to move away to another city and not fight the Lt. If they choose to stay and fight the Lt, then they can use the town.

Bravo McWilley said:

If the party flees or the Lt gets TPK, then the heroes begin their week at Tamalir. They do not lose their turn, bu they can not train or visit tamalir until they defeat or run off the Lt. They could however choose to move away to another city and not fight the Lt. If they choose to stay and fight the Lt, then they can use the town.

All buildings are avaialbe for the Heroes to use even when a Lt is present, so why couldn't they train or visit Tamalir if they choose during their turn to not attack the Lt?

Hmm, good point. I read the FAQ and I see no reason why not I guess. I guess I just implied form the reading that they had to deal with the LT first, but I think you are right in this case.

Aside from extra conquest, the overlord doesn't gain any strategical advantage from attacking the hero party in tamalir upon the given lieutenant's arrival.

Thundercles said:

Aside from extra conquest, the overlord doesn't gain any strategical advantage from attacking the hero party in tamalir upon the given lieutenant's arrival.

+1. The heroes still get their turn. If they are already in tamalir, they can do whatever they were already planning. If the heroes decide to attack a Lt., they will lose the ability to visit on a tpk. As long as one flees or if they win, the heroes still end their "movement" in tamalir..which means they can visit/buy tamalir upgrades.