Neutral Cards As Resources...?

By Monk_of_the_Blue_Rose, in CoC Rules Discussion

Okay So i Just Picked up the Game and Was Wondering, Can Neutral Cards Be Used as Resources And Do they Just Produce "Neutral" Was Sort Of Wondering...Maybe Trying to Make a Neutral Deck...Ya Know...

Neutral cards can be used as resources. Neutral cards are considered to not belong to any faction.

You can certainly make a neutral deck if you'd like.

When draining a domain with a neutral resource, the neutral resource does not provide any "faction match" but does add one resource to use for your cost.

Neutral cards do not require any faction match when being played.

Dark Young said:

Neutral cards do not require any faction match when being played.

actually there are neutral cards with steadfast from different factions - like Nyarli, or of one mid, or teamwork. So you need to keep that in mind :)

Ah, that is true I wasn't thinking about that at the time. But technically that isn't a "faction match". But good catch:)

Thank you I was Sort Of wondering About that...As Well Is there a Card Library Located Somwhere...So that I could See the Card Library to start to Get a better Feel for the Game...

I don't think there's a full library online anywhere but check out Nyarlazorbec's deck building software. He does an excellent job of keeping it up to date and as I recall it contains all the old CCG cards as well.