Zombies only roll one attack die (in most situations). If the PC has even one level of resistance, that means that they can stand in the middle of a zombie swarm, laughing, while twenty undead flail ineffectually against them.
How have you all dealt with this issue?
I've tried to solve it by letting them do a sort of 'horde attack' where they will buff each other if enough are around. This is, however, an indelicate solution and I would like to hear how others have handled it.
Zombie Attacks and Invulnerable PCs
I would give them the horde attack ability. If you're in the middle of a horde of zombies, they're going to get a handful of dice to use. Kinda like the PC's ability to aid one another and grant additional positive dice. Zombies should be able to do the same. Sure, they aren't coordinating, but the sheer numbers alone should overwhelm the pc in question. Hope they've got some good armor to increase stress resistance. (Cue Evil Laugh)
Edited by Evil Genius PrimeAre the (appropriate) Zombie attacks not +unyielding? Also surely theres room for +horrifying assaults on your willpower.
And when it's your turn to do anything, -pressed in by zombies, and similar, should surely figure in your dice pool?
Horde attack could work, but zombies should have a starting pool of 2 to 3 dice (varies on GM of course), and may even have more. Zombies could be dead for a while and have long nails, or it might have a situational die of some sort (if you're flanked or caught off guard). Attacking zombies have access to all benefits which might add positive dice that players have access to, with exception to weapons and strategy. In place of those things though, they have +unyielding and +horrifying, not to mention any other non-human bonuses.
It is a urban myth that nails and hair keep on growing. It only seems like they keep on growing because the skin surrounding them is drying up etc.. and pulling back from the nail bed for example.
...seems like they keep on growing because the skin surrounding them is drying up etc.. and pulling back from the nail bed
More exposed nail means more nail with which to cut. Hence "longer nails."...seems like they keep on growing because the skin surrounding them is drying up etc.. and pulling back from the nail bed
I'd give zombies that have finger flesh worn off and sharpened bone exposed an extra positive die when attacking. Scary stuff.
Semantics... at the end of the day, the mechanics support the extra damage, be it longer nails, more exposed nails or worn away fingers that just have the first bone filed down and is thus stronger and tougher... The rest is just flavor on how you present it to the group.
I would be more afraid if I saw what looked like filed down finger bones... I mean, who does that? Did someone do that to the zombie on purpose? Or did the zombie claw it's way out of a concrete bunker? Scary stuff to have to think about