Android: Netrunner & Ales (or coffee / tea) - UK Porstmouth

By hildan, in Living Card Games

Slow on the pickup I know, however I’ve just read they will be bringing a rotation system into Netrunner.

Because I don’t want to shell out even more cash on a game I already barely get to play, I have decided to cram 2015 with as many Netrunner events as possible, trying to squeeze the most out of my cards before they become ‘illegal.’

As such looking to try and arrange some regular (weekend) games to:

a) Remember the rules &
b) Fine tune my decks in preparation for upcoming store championships.

I do have some pre-constructed decks, so if you would like to try the game I’m more than happy to lend my cards during the day and try to teach you.

As a heads up however, if you haven’t played before; the game is a little complex with some crazy / 90s / cyberpunk terminology which takes some time getting used to.

If anyone signs up, we can agree on pub / café for the day closer to the time (ideally around Southsea / Porstmouth.)
