Anyone Ever Use the Metamorphica?

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

Recently got a copy of this myself, and it's definitely going to be my new go to for rolling mutations.

While it says d1000 it does have some double numbers, but the entire thing is system neutral in nature. It even has in it's list of references a couple of WHFRP 1st books for their mutations.

So far it's looking really good.

It's not meant to link to the table itself, it's just linking to the page where the text is sold.

It's not meant to link to the table itself, it's just linking to the page where the text is sold.

I got it, it's just that I had a bad gateway error, now everything's fine.

Still that d1000 I linked is really fun to use, see no point in buying something like what You proposed - as far as I understood it is fit for any rpg, not specifically tailored for 40k, but those are just my 2 cents

Some people don't buy these things, they just need a name. But yes I agree, the d1000 you linked was nice as well.