I'm playing the OL. We're using just the base set. The heroes are Tarha/Runemaster, Grisban/Berserker, and Avric/Disciple.
I am getting annihilated. Granted, it's my first campaign through the game, and the players. We're 2 act 1 quests in and the players seem unstoppable. Grisban took out Mauler extremely fast, Avric and Tarha are starting to gear up pretty quickly, they've been good about using search tokens and have gotten extremely fortunate with some gear.
So far I've gotten saboteur cards and they work extremely well on this lot, except when I don't draw them. I'm hoping Uthuk Demon Trap changes things a bit once I get it.
I worry that by the time we reach Act II that the players will be unstoppable, with too much momentum. How do I slow them down or stop them? I've gotten close on a couple of quests but my luck's been kind of rotten on the blue die.
Current status:
Intro: Heros
Death on the Wing: Heroes
Fat Goblin: Heroes