Crossing the Mumer's Ford

By HastAttack, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

I had to try and play with the river plot deck last night with this new errata

Should have the text: "This effect cannot be triggered by other card effects."

This is a terrible amendment - why have they excluded other river plot cards?

I can understand a restriction - so it cannot be triggered by other card effects - e.g. Flood Waters but this destroys the whole structure of using river plots

As a one off event which is only practical if I play it as my last river plot card, it has very limited value

... everyone is saying you just play a river plot that triggers the when revealed of any used river card but do not seem to appreciate that there is only one such plot, (with a gold value of 1)

... and to get the 2 extra gold when playing the next river plot after that isn't much value either

I hope the amend the errata soon to say "except river plot cards"

and it wasn't even removed from the Joust restricted list!

That's actually kind of the point. While I'm not necessarily happy with the nature of the erratum (clunky, they should have just banned the card), the goal was clearly to knock the card off the competitive field. It's seen a *lot* of play since it's release early last year, and I think a lot of competitive players are happy to see it go.

While Marwyn and Flood waters may have had their role to play, the main effect of the erratum is to prevent you triggering it twice more with your follow up river, and under the bridge of dreams later on. It's pretty clear that this was their intention and I don't expect we'll see it reverted any time soon.

Edited by -Istaril

Thanks Istaril ... can't see anyone using in joust anymore

I could even have lived (playing melee) with drawing the cards (up to your draw cap) but now I have to remove it which is probably going to lead me to drop the river plots completely

I think a better erratum would have been to simply remove the River trait (which would also prevent triggering by other card effects, since they depend on the trait). As it is, you get nothing if you reveal a River plot other than Under the Bridge of Dreams after it, and it can be cancelled by Greenseer's Raven. Either way, it doesn't warrant a spot on the restricted list for any format.

That's by far the best solution Khudzlin

If you reveal a river plot other than Under the Bridge of Dreams, would you be able to trigger the when revealed if you cannot do the Then part (trigger Crossing the Mumers Ford) ... I suppose not?

Last night I rebuilt my deck - removed all my Rivers and Flood Waters

If you reveal a river plot other than Under the Bridge of Dreams, would you be able to trigger the when revealed if you cannot do the Then part (trigger Crossing the Mumers Ford) ... I suppose not?

Huh? Where did that idea come from? You always do as much of a passive effect as you can, and the potential failure of the dependent part after the "then" NEVER dictates whether or not you can trigger the independent part before. So it's not like Mummer's Ford in your used pile "shuts off" then entire next River plot you reveal.