2 questions from a newcomer

By dfn, in General Discussion


Still trying to comprehend all the rules, but I'm having a tough time.

Here are my questions:

1) Why is Willpower important for force users? I assume it is because the Force Talent Trees that are >= FR2 use Willpower, but I'd love to know more. My assumption was that Brawn would be more important because of the Lightsaber skill (unless the character uses a talent that replaces Brawn for the skill).

2) What is a good starting point in terms of career/spec if I want to play a character that is great with Lightsabers, and is also decent at using force powers (Move, Misdirection...)? Maybe the answer to 1) will help with 2), but I've looked at a few specializations and can't seem to settle on anything. Makashi Duelist has no reflect (which is something I'd like my character to have), Niman doesn't have improved Parry/Reflect, and as for the others, I'm afraid I'll have to make them Brawn-centric and miss out on Willpower. I had planned to have Agility at 3 to start because I read here that it was required for a double Lightsaber.

Would appreciate any responses to the above...TIA!

Fairly new myself however I can give an answer to 2.

There are as you know 6 lightsaber specs. None of these contain everything you need to be a total lightsaber and Force power god. Each focuses lightsaber in a particular area. Marakashi = Dueling.

Ataru = Agility and jumping

Soretsu = Defence.


Now if you want force heavy with a saber then that is Nimian, no you won't get improved defences but that is the focus of another spec and balance by the fact Nimian are the only LS spec to get a force rating. There is of course nothing stopping you from buying both Nimian and say Soretsu (picking up the second with exp. 30 I think but no book atm.)

The Discipline skill is based on Willpower, and it's used in many of the Force powers (eg, Move), but is also essential for controlling Fear.

As for Brawn, I'm reminded of Yoda's comment: judge me by my size, do you?

All good answers. To be amazing at the Force abilities and a master swordsman, you'll need dedication and lots of training. This translates to lots of XP spent on various trees. I recommend you take it in piecemeal. That's what my players are doing. I sat them down and explained to them, "what do you want your character to be good at right away?" If the answer is swinging a lightsaber, then I steered them towards one of the 6 LS specs. If the answer was Force powers, I pointed them at Sage/Seer, and if the answer was something not completely Jedi-like, then we poured through the book and found a spec that would give them a good start in that direction.

After that, once they got what they needed from their first tree (The lightsaber mastery spec, or +2 Force Rating, or parry/reflect ranks, ect..) then I ask them what do they want to put more emphasis on next. From there we chose a second spec.

The Discipline skill is based on Willpower, and it's used in many of the Force powers (eg, Move), but is also essential for controlling Fear.

As for Brawn, I'm reminded of Yoda's comment: judge me by my size, do you?

Furthermore, opposed Force power checks often require Discipline checks, and you normally (short of Advantage) only regain strain, which is the only thing that keeps Parry and Reflect going, at the end of an encounter, by making a Discipline check.

Well. I can't really say I'm a veteran at the game but I can help too: Your will is what directs the force into the powers. Strength of will...your mind. So being competent and mentally fortified in the willpower area will grow your strength in the force. Now you ask wouldn't it be better to be better with a LIGHTSABER? Well if you want to be more combat heavy and less force heavy. There is a balance sure.

Think though-- Sidious took over using cunning and The Force. He wasn't a duelist...he was force heavy mechanic wise.

I think it's also stated in books too that the force is disrupted when the force user is under certain mind altering drugs and or injury to the head etc.

If you really want to play a character that's good at Force powers and lightsabers, I would start your character off with a high Willpower and pick up the Sage/Niman trees. Niman allows you to use your Willpower characteristic for your lightsaber skill, causing it to double up its effectiveness with Discipline which is the primary Force power skill.

Between the two trees you'll get a potential FR of 4 which gives you quite reliable force rolls. It's true that you won't get access to Improved Parry/Reflect, but you still get some really great abilities to make up for their absence.

Draw Closer is one of my favorites, and can be a really nasty ability when you add in a high Willpower, and FR of 3 or more.

Force Assault is another great one that allows you salvage a missed saber attack and use the Move power as a maneuver, provided you still have one available.

It is more limited in its defensive capabilities but it sounds to me like this is close to what you're looking for. Without very large amounts of XP to spend you won't be able to create exactly what you have in mind. Hopefully this helps.

Edited by Holzy

Kaosoe is pretty much on the money. Your uber-stereotypical "Jedi Master" that's good with the force and the saber is a major investment and long term goal. You're likely looking at a starter specialization like Mystic:Seer to get things like FR3 and "The Force is my Ally" and then at least two Saber Form trees if not three. Going into AoR or EotE and pulling Force Emergent or Exile might be an option as well to get your FR all the way up to 4. But all that adds up fast, so without even talking force powers you're looking at >300XP if you include all those options. Skipping Emergent and FR4 will still put you around 200ish XP, so you're probably talking 300XP once you get force powers and saber talents.

From experience though, ask yourself this: If Jedi didn't have the force, or lightsabers, what kind of character would you want to play? FaD include specs that cover most of the key character types, I think if you settle on a more of a role first, then add force and saber skills, you'll be happier in the long run. Otherwise you'll spend the first 10 or so adventures of your characters life just trying to where you want instead of enjoying the moment.

Thank you very much, everyone!

Very helpful replies. Cleared up a lot of things for me. Appreciate it :)

Agree with the above. Concept first-- than mold around it.

The Discipline skill is based on Willpower, and it's used in many of the Force powers (eg, Move), but is also essential for controlling Fear.

As for Brawn, I'm reminded of Yoda's comment: judge me by my size, do you?

Control! Control! You must learn control!