Hi! Im Shadow_Roxas, or Rainn, It doesnt matter what you call me
I've been buying Kingdom Hearts Cards for a while over the shop here at FFG, but no-one that lives near me thats interested in Kingdom Hearts feel like buying things over the internet. (So lazy) So, as I stand I have two decks with extra cards- mostly from the base set. I have bought about 5 or 6 non-base set packs, and a Kingdom Pack, Starter Deck, and Key Packs. If any of my friends decide to ever start playing, I'll invite them to the forums and who knows, we might even get a KH CCG retailer near us!
I decided to go on the FFG forums to find out more info on the new sets and such, so thanks everyone for posting them If I find any of my own Ill be sure to let you guys know!