So do you think they will have planets like ILUM and possibly old Sith grave worlds as refrence? Possibly even BYSS???
Edited by AtraangelisSpeculation of Planets in the new Book?
If they made sector books for Tython or Dathomir, I would have to just give them my bank account number.
Tython, Byss, Dathomir and Ilum are pretty much in I think, Korriban might see some love too.
Edited by UncleArkieByss is already written up in Age of Rebellion, as is Yavin 4 (if someone goes in a Jedi Praxeum direction with it), but Tython, Ilum, and Korriban are quite likely.
Dromund Kaas or Ruusan (home of the Cold War Sith Empire and home of the Valley of the Jedi, respectively), would be on my list. Could be my love of Dark Force / Jedi Knight games talking...
Ossus seems like a solid contender as well. Ziost, maybe.
Didn't the Beta have a galaxy section, or was that just in the Alpha? It's been too long since I looked at either.
Byss is already written up in Age of Rebellion, ...
I Would love to see Korriban, that would definitely be a back drop folks would want to see.
Byss is already written up in Age of Rebellion, ...
I Would love to see Korriban, that would definitely be a back drop folks would want to see.
A sourcebook featuring Korriban would be awesome, but I would be just as happy with a published adventure centered on
Hrm, I wonder...
"Captain, we will have to impound your ship for smuggling Sith artafacts."