Fizzgrid™ Technology...for your rules question needs!

By Fizz, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions


Fizzgrid™ Technology is off the boat and on store shelves now! Fizzgrid™ Technology is fully play tested and *guaranteed bug free!

*Not actually a guarantee

Here are some example Fizzgrids™ for you to copy/paste in your rules questions:

The popular 5x5:

[_] [_] [_] [_] [_]

Powered by Fizzgrid™ Technology

The hallway:

[_][_][_][_][_] [_][_][_][_][_]
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Powered by Fizzgrid™ Technology

Due to a change in the boards, to keep the correct font while pasting, you need to make a slight change to your reply options.

1) In the reply field, click the gear icon shown below:


2) Then, uncheck "Paste as plain text by default", and click "OK".

3) Hit F5 to refresh your screen and the setting will become the default setting.

Note: after a Fizzgrid™ paste, the font will change to "Courier New Bold" for the remainder of the reply. You can switch this back to "Arial" and uncheck the "bold" box to revert to the default font.


Fizzgrid™ Technology FAQ:


Q) What is Fizzgrid™ Technology?

A) Fizzgrid™ Technology is an grid system using the courier bold font for monospace format which normalizes placing of text. This allows for more accurate representation of map based systems and is very easy to read!

Q) How much does Fizzgrid™ Technology cost? Is there a monthly fee?

A) Fizzgrid™ is free to the public, as payment for all the future shenanigans I plan on pulling here in the forums. I am sure that in a few months, you'll be begging me to shut the hell up.

Q) How do I use Fizzgrid™ Technology?

A) Easy! Just copy/paste the grid and you're on your way! Replace the underscores with other characters to represent figures, objects, targets, whatever. Make sure you note what things represent. Oh, and don't forget to put "Powered by Fizzgrid™ Technology" at the bottom!

Q) Do I have to put "Powered by Fizzgrid™ Technology" at the bottom if I use Fizzgrid™?

A) YES! ABSOLUTELY! If you don't, I will give important game breaking secrets to your campaign's Empire player. Don't ask how I will do this, I have my ways. Trust me.

Q) You're full of crap, Fizz. How will you do this?

A) Don't ask. I have my ways. Trust me.

Q) But I am an Empire player! So screw you, Fizz. I'm not putting it on there. What do you have to say about that?

A) Fine, I'll talk to your Rebel players then. How do you like them apples?

Q) What if I don't like "them apples"?

A) Then you should put "Powered by Fizzgrid™ Technology" at the bottom whenever you use it.

Q) Will there be updates or expansion packs for Fizzgrid™ Technology?

A) Yes. the 10x10 Fizzgrid™ is on the boat and is expected to arrive Q1 2015! The boys in the lab are hard at work on additional Fizzgrids™, we'll announce more Soon™.

Q) Can I make my own custom Fizzgrids™?

A) Absolutely! You need a 4x9 hallway? Fizzgrid™ Technology can do that! Just requires more copy/paste actions.

Q) Does Fizzgrid™ Technology work on Mac or Linux?

A) Maybe? I dunno, sure, why not?

Edited by Fizz

I used Fizzgrid TM Technology and I am amazed at the results! Even my most ludicrous comments now sound cogent and articulated!

All thanks to Fizzgrid TM Technology!

The price was jsut write adn teh kwality was arglbargl.

Thanks Fizz!


Edited by Alarmed

I used Fizzgrid TM Technology and I am amazed at the results! Even my most ludicrous comments now sound cogent and articulated!

All thanks to Fizzgrid TM Technology!

The price was jsut write adn teh kwality was arglbargl.

Thanks Fizz!


Who can argue with great reviews like this?

Order today!

and no one has an excuse for not to use it. Fizzgrid technology has been translated to more than 2 million languages all across the Galaxy!

and now available on iOS and Android :D

and no one has an excuse for not to use it. Fizzgrid technology has been translated to more than 2 million languages all across the Galaxy!

and now available on iOS and Android :D

That reminds me, Roolakhol, I need you to take that protocol droid up to Anchorhead to have its memory erased. It belongs to us now.

and no one has an excuse for not to use it. Fizzgrid technology has been translated to more than 2 million languages all across the Galaxy!

and now available on iOS and Android :D

That reminds me, Roolakhol, I need you to take that protocol droid up to Anchorhead to have its memory erased. It belongs to us now.

You know, I think that droids we bought might have been stolen. there is a plate saying "property of Lucasfilm"

and no one has an excuse for not to use it. Fizzgrid technology has been translated to more than 2 million languages all across the Galaxy!

and now available on iOS and Android :D

That reminds me, Roolakhol, I need you to take that protocol droid up to Anchorhead to have its memory erased. It belongs to us now.

You know, I think that droids we bought might have been stolen. there is a plate saying "property of Lucasfilm"

Arent we all?

its not Stealing, its just... re-arranging company resources

What's the scale of Fizzgrid™ Technology?

Can I use my old 1980 Ral Partha miniatures for pretend online simulations with them?

What's the scale of Fizzgrid™ Technology?

Can I use my old 1980 Ral Partha miniatures for pretend online simulations with them?

Related to this question:

Is a "sticky" Fizzgrid TM Technology in the works? When I put my miniatures on the screen, they tend to slide off. This makes it much harder to use this wonderful invention.

What's the scale of Fizzgrid™ Technology?

Can I use my old 1980 Ral Partha miniatures for pretend online simulations with them?

The scale is 1 Fizzgrid™ Technology "square" = 1 square...unless it doesn't equal that. Then it equals something else.

As for the miniature not sticking to the screen, I'll send that down to the boys in the lab, see if they can recreate this issue and get back to you.

Edited by Fizz

The boys in the lab have come up with a solution for your models sliding off the screen. All you have to do is adjust the screen so that it lays flat on the horizontal plane instead of the standard upright vertical plane. In most lab tests, this allows the models to stay in place whilst using Fizzgrid™ Technology.

I'm not sure that will work...

I'm using a CRT monitor and if I place it so the screen is horizontal, it might roll off the table!


Sorry man, we only tested on LCD panels, not CRTs.

Can I use Fizzgrid Technology to make skirmish maps on a 24" tablet to save set up time in a tournament?

Can Fizzgrid help me figure out why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

Can Fizzgrid help me figure out why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

Not yet. Our boys in the lab are still working on how to get Lucky his Lucky Charms back. We'll add that to the list after we pick up Tony the Tiger from the hospital, he's finally out of that diabetic coma. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Tony's family.

Fizzgrid™ Technology now supports Tetris !







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[_] [_][_] [_][_] [_] [_][_] [_] [_]

[_] [_][_] [_] [_] [_][_] [_][_] [_]

Edited by Fizz

Will Fizzgrid™ Technology be compatible with the new Twin Shadows expansion?

Do I have to order a new Fizzgrid™ Technology Twin Shadows expansion as well?

Will the Fizzgrid™ Technology Twin Shadows expansion be Fett compatible with other Boba Fett Miniatures

Fizzgrid™'s got jets

Compatible with Fetts

it bounty hunts for Jabba the hutt

to finance his 'Vette

and no one has an excuse for not to use it. Fizzgrid technology has been translated to more than 2 million languages all across the Galaxy!

and now available on iOS and Android :D

That reminds me, Roolakhol, I need you to take that protocol droid up to Anchorhead to have its memory erased. It belongs to us now.

You know, I think that droids we bought might have been stolen. there is a plate saying "property of Lucasfilm"

Arent we all?

its not Stealing, its just... re-arranging company resources

These aren't the droids we’re looking for, move along.

I'm just waiting for Roolakhol to ask me if he can transmit his application to the academy this year. I'm gonna shut that down like a spent moisture vaporator in the Jundland Wastes.

Fizzgrid™ now support hashtags! #Fizzgrid

Will we ever see a multi-language version?

I dunno, which languages should we translate this to?