Hello All
Our play group has a disagreement over how players take actions during the timed phase of the game. By this I mean actions that are not directly related to the current phase, so for example using the skyranger, elerium, officer training etc.
Here are the two views.
ENEMY TURNS (place UFO's, enemy in the base etc)
VIEW 1 (My interpretation)
No one can do anything during enemy timed phase turns, other then the central officer using forecasts.
All players can do everything.
PLAYER TURNS (Allocate research, deploy soldiers etc)
VIEW 1 (My interpretation)
Only the player who's turn it is may take other actions (outside of thinking, viewing cards etc), so if it was "deploy soldiers to a mission", the SL could use the SKYRANGER but the CO could not use OFFICER TRAINING.
All players can do all things at all times
Other : All players can take turns during the extra time phase.
I figure if it is not as I have stipulated above then there is little use in actually finishing actions early, as only a percentage of the time left goes over to the "team time" at the end of the timed-phase. So why not just let it run down (but not end), you get much more time that way.
With my interpretation the CSO gets effectively 4 action phases (RH, T1, T2, T3).
The squad leader gets 3 (Choose-Mission, Deploy-Mission, Deploy-Base).
The Commander gets 3+ (Deploy Interceptors, Allocate EF, Crisis Choices)
The Central Officer gets 1 (Deploy Satellites).
They all then get a shared phase at the end.
What is everyone else's take on this ?